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    United States

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Feller (1/10)



  1. Please describe what you mean by "won't let me open the game"... what exactly does it do? aside from a single warning, the game does not block execution.
  2. So... seems like the mod has a couple bugs. Ive been finally doing my playthrough using just this mod, I didnt encounter any problems till chapter 4. Then I encountered actions that aurthur would not perform. One of them is there is a beggar you can give 25c too, attempting to donate makes Arthur just stare at him and nothing happens. Then I did the monks mission where you free the 2 slaves, the action to free the slaves yielded the same result as above. I also soft locked when I went to the first bar mission and I called the bartender, then when he got to me I ordered the whisky and the game refused to budge from there. I removed the mod and the actions worked fine.
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