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  1. Today
  2. hola me podrias decir un canal o algun sitio para aprender un poco de programacion?
  3. estos plugin y los mods estan desactualizados no ?
  4. Changed Gender to Male Changed Age to Middle Age
  5. Can someone help me, I want to do a full playthrough wearing the bandana and I have saved an outfit that has it on. However, after cutscenes (especially the one just before Arthur, Lenny, and Javier, jump on the train in chapter 1), the game crashes and gives me the "FFFFFF" error. Any fix or ideas what the problem is?
  6. Yesterday
  7. Version 1.0.0

    1 download

    (Requires Reshade and RDR-Reimaninged for shader puposes.) This mod's restores Red Dead Redemption's aesthetic by adding better shadows. The reshade saturate's the game to look like a bit more like a sphagetti western Any FPS issues? No there is not any fps issues or stutters it runs perfectly fine on a budget PC. Installation: 1. Install Reshade from Reshade's website i would recommend watching a tutorial on download reshade you can find one here just choose you Red Dead One directory instead of RDR2 2. Download RDR Reimaninged, open the rdr file and drag the reshade-shaders into your Red Dead Redemption directory and replace the files. 3. After you have a downloaded my Mod it's just a simple drag and drop into the directory of the game. 4.Enjoy the Mod.
  8. Version 1.0


    John Marston Remastered - This Mod will replace many of John's outfits with an upscaled version ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Are you tired of the outdated textures of John? If yes this is the right mod for you, This mod overhauls many of John's outfits. This mod generally upscales John to around 4k textures the resolution is still 1024x1024 but the mod still makes a big difference. If you use this Mod in a video i would love for my Mod to get linked in the description of the video I will update this Mod when i have time
  9. Last week
  10. omega-necro-bump! this was my issue too! modlist was long and worked except for as described. I'd get a flicker and then many script-based keystrokes would cease to be registered with their scripts. e.g. Immersive Minimap II which uses AB Script hook SSM (simple slow motion) which uses ScriptHookRDR@DotNet-V2 turns out I was using ThirteenAG's Ultimate-ASI-Loader which I found in pinned comment on kepmehz's nexus here This caused me a PILE of needless binary search removals in a row until I was close to down to just these problem mods. All other script-based keystrokes also stopped working probably, just these were the ones I instantly noticed. now it works, oh happy day. modding is great when it's great and just as bad when it's bad. Asi's ------- AmbientRandomEvents.asi Banking.asi Boats.asi Bountydialogues.asi BucketWash.asi CampAnywhere.asi CampfireWeaponLocker.asi CollectablesInRange.asi Companion.asi Contracts.asi CutVoicelineRestoration.asi DisableCameraShake.asi DisableHorseHolstering.asi DogComapnion.asi DragPeds_Natural.asi DumpThatCargo1.1.asi EarlyFishing1.0.asi EquineDucking.asi Fisherman.asi FishingRodGripToggle.asi GatlingWagons.asi Graves.asi GunTricks.asi HatBlip2.0.asi horseLantern.asi HorseLoadout.asi Houses.asi HuntingCamp.asi InteractionTargetMarker.asi LOS Enemy Blips.asi Minimap.asi MoreZoomWhileAiming.asi NativeTrainer.asi NoBulletTrail.asi NoDeadEyeEffects.asi NoHitmarker.asi NoHonorLossForLawAnimals.asi NoInvisibleSnipers.asi NoReticleSpread.asi NoWeaponDegradation.asi Pay.asi PedDamageOverhaul.asi PredatorsRework.asi QuickDraw.asi RDR2.asi RemoveSpeedLimits.asi RestoredCutContent-Quiver1.6.6.asi SafeShopping.asi ScriptHookRDRDotNet.asi ShoveInsteadTackle.asi StashThatLantern2.8.asi TieYourLasso.asi vfs.asi WalkingControlComplete.asi LML ------- 25% Faster Holstering Unholstering 4.75 (RDR2 scale 5.1) 7.5 (RDR2 scale 7.85) Actually Long Long Barrels Ambient Gang - RDR1 Gang ambient gangs + realistic loadouts patch animations Best_TAA_and_Visual_Effects beta douglas fir Better Camera better-pumps bountyhunterDEI ChapterVideos CleanHorse Coat Physics Fixes CompsonsPistol Corpse Spawn Distance cowhandFix Cut Content Dogs Unlocked for SP Deputy's Badge - Merge Detach Disabled all map culling DWW Soundtrack v1.1 easier_gold EquineDucking EXTRA_LITE_Multiplayer Asset Enabler FastMapZoom FirstPersonFOVMod Floating Horseshoe Fix + Placeholder Posters Fix Gameplay Graphical issue fixes Herbalist HideOnlineButton Higher Res Ui Higher Resolution Vegetation Horse Animation Fix Horse Eye Draw Distance Fix Horse Overhaul Mod 1.03.23532 Horse Overhaul Mod Compendium and Challenge Fix HORSE_LITE_Multiplayer_Asset_Enabler Hovering gun fix ImprovementsInBlood JailBreak Fix Javier Poster Fix JM R&E JustFuckingBleed JustUseTheCrossAlready Legendary Channel Catfish Restored lodscale 1.75-2.0 Longer Girthier Springfield M91 Carcano Model Fixes mods.xml movies_0 No More Medals in Notifications (Black) No Police Whistle Sound No_More_Grindy_Challenges Online Bears Unlocked for SP Patch (ambientpedmodelsets.meta) Patch (goals_sp.meta) Patch (metapeds.ymt) Patch (systemsettings.ymt) Patch (timecycle_mods_1-2.xml) Patch (visualsettings.dat) patterns.dat PDO v2.0 Extended Features Ped Accuracy Fix Period Accurate Currency PhysicalWorldMaps QoL - Artie and Johnny R.W.A.O Real Catalog Rework RealisticStDenisSchedule Realistic_Loadouts v2.4 for Ambient Gang Refitted Bandoliers - Shirts and Vests replace Sheriff Dialogue Restored shutupalready SkyVideos Smaller DBS Snappy.UI stream Stutter Fix Terrain Textures Overhaul Terrain Textures Overhaul - South Textures Ultra Realistic Live Leak Ragdolls Uniform_Fix VESTIGIA VFX W.E.R.O WhyEm's Particles Wickiup POI - Working Minimap Wrong Angus Bull Fix
  11. @alfabravozapaSir, Please consider developing a mod for that poor fella John Marston with similar features adjusted to Beecher's hope to fix his boring marriage life. I kinda feel bad about him when he is lying to the bathing girls about Abigail being a awesome wife, but she actually does nothing for him except constant whining. 😞
  12. Changed Age to Old
  13. What do you think about online dating? What sites do you use?
  14. johnnyy

    Hobby thread

    What do you do in free time? What are your favorite hobbies?
  15. BOOL CHAL_ACHIEVEMENT_IS_COMPLETE ( Hash p0, Hash p1 ) //0x77B97A827739D434 Any help with how to implement this method. What are p0 and p1 and how to check if an achievement is complete or not?
  16. BOOL CHAL_ACHIEVEMENT_IS_COMPLETE ( Hash p0, Hash p1 ) //0x77B97A827739D434 Any help with how to implement this method. What are p0 and p1 and how to check if an achievement is complete or not?
  17. Earlier
  18. It worked for me perfectly. Try the latest update. Need a help. Is there a way to use the methods in natives.h to see if a story mission is completed or not?
  19. Where did you get the method? My reference for NativeDB is this
  20. Need the db or enum list/parameters for the achievements for RDR 1
  21. The only time I've had this happen was after installing a recent version of Project New Austin. After uninstalling it, the clothing catalogue worked fine.
  22. Hi! What solved the problem? Because I'm having the same problem.
  23. It happens in this noon, after a unknown game crashed, whatever I just reinstalled whole game, clean all mods/ scripts/ plugins and even reshade. I only installed clean RDRFR with RAGE in the fresh game. But whenever I run the RAGE before game start or after enter game world, it stucks games like 3-5 seconds and game crashed. And then it shows a log or something to me, I'm so confusing and helpless now! I know RDRFR seems dead now I've tried turn off anti-virus, tried turn off firewall, and even reinstalled the game, but it's no help, and I don't even know why, I didn't do nothing with that, it just work normal yesterday and this morning. I also tried restart computer
  24. Version 1.0.0


    Liar's dice in Red Dead Redemption 2
  25. Please for advice, im interested in a mod for scaling NPCs (making giant). I make it work with 'UniversalResizer' mod, but theres a problem of low quality textures from near distance. Here it is captured: When i am closer to NPC the textures are alright but standing near and textures are simplified, poor. The problem isn't with GPU or CPU, i tested it on a strong gaming computer and it does the same thing. Active mods: Lenny's Simple Trainer 1.4.1 UniversalResizer 1.0.0 ScriptHookRDR2_1.0.1491.17 I also tried 'Ped Resizer 0.8' mod, which also should scale NPCs but I cannot make it work. The control keys for this mod does nothing. Please help
  26. So I figured out why trains aren't showing up in free roam for some of us mod users. The game engine is only able to allocate a limited amount of memory for use (even if your rig has a massive memory pool, the game will still only use a small amount of it), when the game is already using most of that memory pool, it will avoid spawning in trains to preserve the remaining available memory space. This limitation doesn't cause any issues in the vanilla game, but it becomes issue when your baseline memory usage goes up due to mods. The fix is pretty simple: you need to increase the RAM and VRAM allocation via a gameconfig.xml mod. I've been using "A Modest Memory Pool Booster for LML" from Nexus and it works great. Trains full of passengers spawn just fine now, even though I'm using about 20 different mods. Just watch out for memory-heavy mods. Stuff like 4K textures and euphoria mods will probably still mess things up. The only memory-heavy mod that I run is Enhanced Entity and World Persistence because it's too good to pass up, but even with the memory fix, I still get spawning issues when too many dead bodies pile up in one area. When that happens, no new NPCs spawn until I move away.
  27. You can fix this issue by increasing the amount of RAM and VRAM the engine is allowed to allocate via config.xml mods like this one: A Modest Memory Pool Booster for LML - Anti-Stutter Performance Booster at Red Dead Redemption 2 Nexus - Mods and community I use it + several other mods (mostly minor gameplay rebalance/rework stuff and fixes that aren't too texture-heavy or script-heavy) and I'm able to get trains full of passengers to spawn just fine, no problem. You probably should still avoid stuff that heavily increases memory usage though such as 4k retextures and euphoria mods etc... The only memory-heavy mod that I use is Enhanced Entity and World Persistence by PixieV because it improves the game far too much, but after a particularly large amount of dead bodies piles up in a single region, new NPCs of all kinds (including new police waves) refuse to spawn until I leave the area.
  28. The mod's creator left it up on nexus, closed the comment section so no one can read about how it is broken and causes infinite loading screens, and will never update it. Way to waste everyone's time with installing an useless mod and then troubleshooting what's causing the issues in their game...
  29. Version 1.0.0


    changes to visualsettings.dat file
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