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  1. Anyone know how to get around invisible models of Maggie and Lem?
  2. you can only do that if you load the genstorymale character model first with LST, then change the head to Arthurs in the outfit changer. Atm you can't use his actual mode for mp clothing. Edit: model name is: CS_genstorymale
  3. Game unable to start with outfit changer mod after the latest update for anyone else?
  4. SO managed to find Lem and Maggie's ped names (CS_MP_LEM and CS_MP_MAGGIE) but sadly the models are invisible. Thought I could work around it in the outfit changer but no, everything is invisible. DOes anyone know how to fix this or should we just wait for another update? (was really hoping to take some pics of Lem 😞 )
  5. OK so anyone having problems with mp_male and mp_female, I found a solution! Instead of using those models use CS_genstorymale and CS_genstoryfemale. The models are blue but once you start changing components in Outfit Changer everything seems to be ok.
  6. OK so anyone having problems with mp_male and mp_female, I found a solution! Instead of using those models use CS_genstorymale and CS_genstoryfemale. The models are blue but once you start changing components in Outfit Changer everything seems to be ok.
  7. Would it be possible to add unplayable character's heads onto Arthur's/John's/multiplayer female&male bodies? This is what I've been doing when I want to dress Arthur with online clothing I just load his head onto multiplayer male's body. Just wondering if it's possible to do that with other gang members? 🙂
  8. Does a ped model for your own online character exist?
  9. Amazing mod you did a really great job! The one thing I don't know is how to add bodyguard models to the LST file?
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