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DeadEyeLuther last won the day on November 18 2021

DeadEyeLuther had the most liked content!

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    United States
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Feller (1/10)



  1. This is totally awesome , nice work keep it up Can you make this working in Mexico ?
  2. Lovely I like your work. You made Mexico awesome with your work perhaps later on you might add some peds ;)
  3. I liked the camps thanks and welldone again
  4. This is totally awesome, thanks for your work
  5. I`m having a Total blast fighting Mexican bandits in Mexico (Chuparosa,Las Hermanas and Escalera) Thanks to you😁thought you should know😉
  6. I`m dying to play Undead Nightmare 2 on this map, can you please tell me where it is located ?
    This is very nicely made, great for fighting some Mexican bandits.Thanks again
  7. How do i load your awesome maps with lml please? i searched for them but didn`t find them excuse me I`m new to this ;) i put the file in lml/stream and searched in rampage (teleport) but i couldn`t find them( i wrote them because i installed 3 of your towns already and found them) . So that i won`t double post i edited this .Ok I found them ;) Thanks to SgtJoe for his Mexico minimap. Chuparosa is beautiful and thanks for your work
  8. If I`m understanding this correctly you cant have this and your trainer working together right ?
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