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  1. Quick question on ModEffectRange function. (ModEffectRange is a value which describes the number of NPCs which are affected by the mod) 1. Does the value apply on the overall population if the NPC's in the world. example with it set to 100: there are 1000 NPCs in RDR2 but only 100 of them are PED damage overhaul'd? 2. Or would it affect the 100 NPC's that are closest to you, most of the time even less because there are maybe 20-30 around you? How would it behave if I limit it to for example 50 NPC's and have a chase after me and I keep killing the NPC's that come after me. Will the 51th NPC be affected by the mod if I killed 50 NPC's already and they are lying around as corpses? Apologies if the questions seem uninformed but I have been thinking about it a lot because I like to limit the stress on my hardware as much as possible for FPS purposes
  2. registered to thank you and also note that the newest beta ini has Playerinvincibility enabled if I see it correctly (PlayerInvincibility = 1) just something to keep in mind. Thank you for this great mod!
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