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  1. Can someone check engraved weapon textures using this mod? particularly for any rifles and shotguns that are not the Elephant Gun - and maybe even that one too - I never got it in online so I don't know if the textures for engravings are sitting right. For Revolvers and Handguns it seems perfectly fine, and for some two handed weapons/repeaters its even passable - it just seems slightly... off... like they got reversed or something - and for others like the below examples; it's fairly obvious. Can anyone confirm if this is isolated to me or not? EDIT: NVM there was some conflict with mods I had installed - for all I know it was the damned order they were installed in. Issue fixed by disabling mods until the engravings fixed, and then slowly re-enabling them.
  2. It's not, I own the game on just rockstar launcher and even briefly on steam (refunded) just to check this - it's the files themselves - at the very least for some users it seems you need to use an arcane combination of them to get it to work - the straight download of Lenny's simple trainer doesn't work for whatever reason; but this only seems to apply to a small unlucky few. Fresh download and install from me got your results initially until I started just throwing stuff around to see what stuck. look into ASI loaders 'version.dll' Alexander Blade's scripthook version 1.0.1436.25 but deleted dinput8.dll from my root folder were a couple of things I did just before it started working for me.
  3. Pulled my hair out and threw shit at the wall until it stuck unfortunately. Had a Three Beep on attempting to start the game to auto-close for longer than my patience would have preferred. EasyHook ver 2.7.7097.0 EasyHook64 ver 2.7.6578.0 ScriptHookRDR2 1.0.1436.25 version.dll is from rdr2 asi loader 02_1 and is 872kb in size. just a few of the files I was throwing around at the time
  4. Nope, not normal, certainly not for me. the only instance I had with locked weapons was when my scripthook/lenny's simple trainer wasn't loading with the game properly but I still had the mod installed. Navy revolver showed up in stores but was locked - yet after managing to get the right combo of scripthook files/asi loaders, yadda yadda yadda, the game loaded them in properly and they could be bought/seen.
  5. Don't know if it's this mod on its own, as I had some additional mods running at the time - namely WhyEm's assortment. Seems there's some texturing issues on some but not all Firearms when it comes to engraved textures - mostly shotguns, and most obvious on barrels - things are out of place, the engraving color ends up all over the weapons' metal surfaces, that kind of thing. best examples I could find were on the double barreled shotgun, and the rolling block rifle - you can see the engravings in case of the last one, but most of the positioning is off. and half the gun ends up the color of the engraving rather than the actual color used as the undercoat. I dunno, need to do more testing to make sure its not some dumb shite I did.
  6. Sorry LMS - likely another rube here just itching to get some modding working after coming back to the game after a year off my hard-drive. Fresh install, PC desktop windows 10 Lenny's Simple Trainer installed gives me the three beeps upon attempting to load the game, then the game launcher automatically goes to 'quitting' the game before it ever comes up. Any advice or instruction would be appreciated. I've been trawling for a solution for the day, older versions, asi loaders, AB's scripthook, Ist.ini has loadmpweapons=false -... everything I can think of for getting things working. EDIT: after pulling my hair out I started throwing everything at the wall to see what stuck, somewhere between deleting 'outfit changer' file in sub folder and throwing in a whole bunch of scripthook and version dll's into the root folder it decided it was going to beep a fourth time and load the game. Good god, what an ordeal. seems unfortunate but that'll be the way it is for some people it seems. I still don't know precisely what fixed it at the end.
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