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Files posted by alfabravozapa

  1. Mary Linton Joins The Gang

    Mary Linton will join the gang after the mission We Loved Once and True III is complete.
    -Mary will fall down if badly injured (kneel next to her to help her)
    -Sadie Adler outfits (F3 key)
    -dancing (can be triggered when on extremely flat terrain and standing still by targeting Mary)
    -love making (can be triggered when on mostly flat terrain and standing still by targeting Mary)
    -simple alternative ending if you go help John (you need to load a moded save with Arthur as the player when the mission is finished to continue playing as Arthur https://www.nexusmods.com/reddeadredemption2/mods/168?tab=description)
    -removed sickness (this has a permanent effect on the saved games)
    -play instruments (press reveal hud key to enable prompts)

    Version 1.1:

    -fixed player being ignored and Mary not shooting after dancing
    -fixed alternative ending not triggering
    -fixed Mary not fishing
    -rifle can now be put on the back
    -added a blip for Mary
    -revive ability can now be disabled in the .ini 
    -when making love, Mary will now have the same hair that it was chosen in the menu
    Version 1.2:

    -fixed dance exiting 
    -Mary will now get up immediately after being helped
    -Mary can now be revived if fully dead
    -Fixed Mary having Sadie's voice and name when switching to Sadie's outfits
    -mission requirement can be disabled in the .ini
    -fixed Arthur sometimes being invisible after making love
    -added instrument playing
    -added Bonnie MacFarlane, Harriet Davenport and Princess Isabeau (Bonnie and Harriet require Online Content Unlocker)
    -Mary can now ride as a passenger
    Version 1.3:

    -fixed Mary not talking after starting the game
    Version 1.4:

    -fixed Arthur not playing instruments when companion is in camp
    -fixed instrument prompts interfering with radar
    -changed the menu key for the controller to RB and B
    -removed random text appearing on the screen
    -when player is using a scenario in water, the companion will not sit
    -added Sadie
    -companion horse can now be selected in the menu
    -added Language.dat file
    Version 1.5:

    -removed companion complaints when following her around camp
    -fixed some horse parameters when switching the horse in the menu
    -added horse equipment customization


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  2. Disable Horse Holstering

    While on a horse, to put a rifle on your back, press the holster key. To put the rifle on the horse, select Fist/Unarmed in the weapon wheel. Alternatively, you can use custom keys for enabling and disabling holstering on a horse.

    Version 1.1: -mod remade as asi file 
                         -horse holstering can now be enabled or disabled in-game

    Version 1.2: - horse holstering is now automatically switched to disabled when dismounting (to prevent teleporting of weapons)

    Version 1.3 : -fixed trainer teleport not working
                          -horse holstering is now always enabled when not on the horse
                          -weapons holstered on the horse are now always deselected (to prevent weapon duplication)
                          -added option to  equip horse and back holsters made by QwardNaffle
                          -added another key that directly holsters rifle on the back (alternative to pressing forward key and than holster key
                          -added option to remove weapon wheel screen effect (if you use my mod Disable Screen Effect open animpostfx and set line 9, 1114 and 1364 to false for this mod to work as intended)
    Version 1.4 : -if using custom keys, the saddle can now be put back on the horse
                           -if not using custom keys, you do not have to push the move forward key anymore to disable holstering on a horse
                           -removed holster keys
    Disable Rifle Left and Rifle Back Bow Left Version 1.1:

    -picked up weapons will now be transferred to the back back slot after they are holstered

    Holsters made by QwardNaffle:

    Holster bugs:   -game will crash if you load a save
                              -if you remove a saddle and than immediately put it back on the same horse the game will crash

    Holsters can be put both on the player and the horse. Player back holster will not disappear when un-holstering a weapon like in the original mod.                     

    To use the holsters:

    -you need Online Content Unlocker or version.dll file
    -download Rifle Holster mod made by QwardNaffle
    -choose any holster variant 
    -rename         w_repeater_strap01.ydr          to           mp005_s_cn_1800_1899_gd_lo.ydr            for the player back holster
    -rename         w_repeater_strap01.ydr          to           mp005_s_cn_1700_nyt.ydr                          for the horse
    -put both files inside stream folder or original Rifle Holster mod place  Example: Red Dead Redemption 2\lml\Rifle Holster Arthur\RifleHolster
    -enable holsters in the DisableHorseHolstering.ini


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  3. Row Boat Animations

    Fixed incorrect rowboat animations and disabled boat sinking. Hold jump key to row very fast and run key to row at medium speed.
    Requires Script Hook. To install, extract inside the main game folder.
    Version 1.1:

    -when entering or exiting the boat, the boat commands cannot be triggered
    -wrecked boat sinking is now optional


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  4. Drunken Fool

    Makes the character fall when drunk.
     Fall times can be adjusted in the ini. Requires Script Hook RDR2. For installation put the asi and ini files inside main RDR2 folder.
    Version 1.1: -mod is disabled during missions
    Version 1.2: -player can now roll when in ragdoll
                        -disabled pass out if drinking too much
                        -enabled falling when behind bar
                        -extended drunk time when fully drunk (does not work in camp)
                        -drunk screen effect can be disabled
                        -added vomiting 
    Version 1.3:  -extended drunk time for all drunk levels
                         -added drunk sounds to player (laughing, burping, moaning...)
                         -added singing (t key by default)
    Version 1.4:  -disabled falling and puking for lost drunk peds in Valentine and Van Horn
                          -player will now ragdoll when falling or jumping from higher places (also works when not drunk)
                          -disabled roll forces when not in ragdoll (move keys)
    Version 1.5:  -horse will now ragdoll when falling or jumping from higher places 
                          -adjusted falling from the horse 
                          -adjusted ragdoll forces when on the ground
                          -targeting peds will now stop singing and drunk sounds
    Version 1.6:  -fixed ai peds staying in place after standing up
                          -disabled entering air ragdoll when falling from higher places during missions


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  5. Remove Speed Limits

    Remove horse and player speed limits in camps, towns, indoors and on bridges.
    Version 1.1:  -mod previously called Remove Horse Speed Limit renamed to Remove Speed Limits
                         -mod is now an asi file
                         -removed horse speed limit for the horse in camps (includes Indian Camp)
                         -removed player speed limit in camps and indoors
    Version 1.2:  -removed speed limits when close to certain characters or mission points
                          -to switch between slow walk and fast walk press the "go to cover" key (if you want to go to cover do not hold any of the move keys)

    Requires Script Hook RDR2. For installation put the asi file inside main RDR2 folder.


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  6. Hardcore Stamina

    Increased stamina drain and limited speed when stamina is empty. Added stamina core to horse-drawn vehicles.
    Running uphill and not using the roads drains the stamina faster. 

    Requires Script Hook RDR2. For installation put the asi and ini files inside main RDR2 folder.

    Version 1.1: - changing ai horse and player horse sprinting numbers in the .ini should now work as intended
    Version 1.2: -Stamina regeneration not working when stamina core is empty is now optional
                         -fixed horse not running after stamina core is recovered
    Version 1.3:  -fixed vehicle stamina resetting to 100%


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  7. Thirsty Horse

    Thirst and hunger cores for the horse. Similar to a mod Horses Needs that was made by bolmin70. 

    For the horse to drink leave it in a water source or near a trough. If the water is too deep the horse will not drink.
    To make it eat leave it near a haystack. Outside of towns the horse will also graze on grass. By default eating hay will restore hunger core much faster than eating grass. Running and sprinting will make the cores drop much faster. 

    When one of the cores reaches zero health and stamina will start dropping, speed will be limited and the horse will start falling to the ground. Details can be adjusted in the ThirstyHorse.ini file.
    For installation put ThirstyHorse folder, lml folder and ThirstyHorse.asi file inside main rdr2 folder.
    Thirst and Hunger cores version:

                                              -drinking will restore thirst core and stamina 
                                              -eating will restore hunger core and health 
                                              -resting will restore and overpower stamina and health

    No added cores version:
                                              -drinking will restore and overpower stamina 
                                              -eating hay will will restore and overpower health
                                              -eating grass will restore health
                                              -resting will restore stamina

    Version 1.1: 
                          - fixed whistling not working correctly
                          - the horse staying in the water is now optional (select in the .ini)
                          - the horse will go to the water itself when near it if thirsty (rivers and similar water sources)
    Version 1.2: 
                          -adjusted horse distances to troughs
                          -fixed horse falling when running the game for the first time
                          -fixed feeding horse from inventory sometimes not working
                          -cores are now hidden if filled above 50% (adjustable in the .ini)
                          -added resting ability to the horse (only works on active horse)

    Version 1.3: 
                          -fixed core flickering
                          -added .ini option to disable the mod when playing minigames
                          -added .ini option to change core width and height

    Version 1.3.1:
                          -fixed food core size not changing 
    Version 1.4:
                          -fixed the horse not eating and drinking after reaching the epilogue
                          -max drinking depth is now adjustable in the .ini
                          -disabled temporary horse core drain
                          -added Language.dat file for prompt renaming

    Version 1.5:
                          -multiple horses can now eat and drink at the same time (including horses from peds in your group)
                          -each horse now has its own values (before core values were shared between same horse type)
                          -when eating grass thirst core can now be replenished
                          -inventory feeding can be set not to replenish stamina and health core
                          -after a certain player distance from the horse, the cores will stop dropping
    Version 1.6:
                          -fixed temporary horse falling to the ground
    No cores version:

    Version 1.1:                      
                          -fixed the horse not eating and drinking after reaching the epilogue
                          -max drinking depth is now adjustable in the .ini
                          -added Language.dat file for prompt renaming
                          - fixed left key reducing health and stamina


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  8. Realistic Navigation

    -Main map camera is zoomed out and will be always in the middle of the map when you open it
    -Minimap is replaced by compass (for more hardcore experience download Disable Compass version)
    -Removed all human and animal blips from the map (stationary blips like missions and buildings remain untouched)
    -GPS disabled
    -Fog of war disabled
    You need to remove Disable Enemy Radar mod if you want to use this mod. Requires Lennys Mod Loader (also Script Hook RDR2 for the Controller version). For installation put the Realistic Navigation folder inside lml folder. For installation of the controller version overwrite the files in one of the other three versions and put RealisticNavigation.asi inside main RDR 2 folder.
    Version 1.1      -minor objectives are now visible on the map
                            -increased zoom out distance after zooming in
                            -missions and shops will not appear locked on the map when being wanted
    Version 1.2      -stationary objectives will now appear on compass when close to them
    Version 1.3     - removed hitching posts from radar
                            - zoom in now works on the controller version (map can not be opened from the pause menu, you need to use the map shortcut)
                            -controller version provides bigger movement range of the map if using a mouse when zoomed out


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  9. Holstering animation

    Replaces holster / unholster animations for the right holster and the knife sheath when sitting on a horse or when standing in cover. 
    Also affects holstering/un-holstering on coaches but its a bit wonky there.

    Requires Lennys Mod Loader. For installation put the Holstering animation folder inside lml folder.
    Version 1.1: -Replaced holster animations for shortarms when crouched behind cover
    Version 1.2: -Replaced holster animations for longarms when behind cover
                        -Character will not holster longarms if its holding it in a hand before mounting a horse(when character is running)
                        -Character will not holster longarms if its holding it in a hand before getting on a stagecoach (does not work on a few wagons)
    Version 1.2.1: - fixed weapon wheel not appearing after picking up long arms

    Version 1.2.2: - fixed character holstering weapons when dismounting from a horse                    


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  10. Remove Screen Effects

    Removes all screen effects that occur with dead eye, eagle eye, tonic consumption, drunk character...
    Requires Lennys Mod Loader. For installation put the Remove Screen Effects folder inside lml folder.
    If your are using some weird resolution and the screen is black during cutscenes or black bars are not gone completely, open cameras.ymt file with the notepad, go to line 46341 or search for this: <UNK_MEMBER_0xAE00384B. Raise the value until the black screen disappears or lower it until black bars are gone. It is set to "1.77800000" at the moment. Default value was "2.35000000". 
    Version 1.1:  -fixed cameras
                         -fixed minigames
                         -disabled camera sway
    Version 1.2: -fixed mission Home of the Gentry
                         -knock out an npc effect removed
                         -player hit by bullets effect removed
                         -dead eye critical area effect removed
                         -removed cameras.ymt file ( use other mods to disable camera shake)

    Version 1.2.1: -fixed mission Home of the Gentry in Eagle Eye And Dead Eye versions
    Version 1.3: -disabled weapon wheel filter
    Version 1.3.1: -removed auto-aim for the rifles when locked on a ped

    Remove camera shake:

    Version 1.1: -fixed camera auto-align on horse
                         -fixed camera while swimming

    Version 1.2:  -removes top and bottom black bars on ultra wide screens
    Version 1.3: -camera can now be moved freely when you lock on another ped for interaction (auto-aim is now disabled)
                         -reduced death cam duration
    Version 1.4: -disabled Dead Eye when dueling
                         -removed effects when waking up (too much drinking)


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  11. Faster Holstering Unholstering

    Makes weapons holster / unholster  50%, 25% or 10% faster. You can increase or decrease the speed by editing these lines in weapontasks.ymt file: 
    Line 91  - when standing or on a horse
    Line 95  - when crouched in cover 
    Line 101 - when standing in cover
    Line 104 - when crouching
    Requires Lennys Mod Loader. For installation put the Faster Holstering Unholstering folder inside lml folder.


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  12. Remove Black Bars in Cutscenes

    Version 1.1: Removes top and bottom black bars on ultra wide screens.

    If your are using some weird resolution and the screen is black during cutscenes or black bars are not gone completely, open cameras.ymt file with the notepad, go to line 46341 or search for this: <UNK_MEMBER_0xAE00384B. Raise the value until the black screen disappears or lower it until black bars are gone. It is set to "1.77800000" at the moment. Default value was "2.35000000". 

    If you are using cameras.ymt file in some other mod you only need to change the value at line 46341 to "1.77800000".


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  13. Corpse Spawn Distance

    Increased spawn distance of the corpses so you will not see them drop in front of you. 
    Requires Lennys Mod Loader. For installation put the Corpse Spawn Distance folder inside lml folder.


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  14. Disable Combat Stance

    Arthur and John will keep their normal standing and walking animations when in combat.
    Requires Lennys Mod Loader. For installation put the Disable Combat Stance folder inside lml folder.
    Not compatible with animation mods that use motions.ymt file.


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  15. Disable enemy radar

    No more cheating. You will not be able to see the enemy on the mini-map and the main map. Intended for more immersive experience.
    For installation put the Disable enemy radar folder inside lml folder.


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  16. Ingame world sounds only

    Removed sounds for improved immersion. That Includes sounds like dead eye, menu sounds, notification sounds (e.g. becoming wanted)...
    These sounds can only be removed as a pack. Can not remove them individually.


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