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File Comments posted by alfabravozapa

    Drunken Fool

       1,967    2
    9 hours ago, EthnicPaprika said:

    Whenever this mod's most recent version is installed, Arthur will ragdoll and fall over, and never get back up.

    Do not know how to reproduce that but you can try disabling ENABLE_AIR_RAGDOLL in the .ini.

    Thirsty Horse

       3,598    11

    In the .ini change from this:


    [CORE_POSITION]                  #Increasing X value moves core to the right, Increasing Y value moves core down. WIDTH and HEIGHT change how big the cores are.




    to this:      


    [CORE_POSITION]                #Increasing X value moves core to the right, Increasing Y value moves core down. WIDTH and HEIGHT change how big the cores are.





    Cores will be moving a little though when you open the weapon wheel but that is something I would have to fix...



    Does not matter where you ask the questions...

    Thirsty Horse

       3,598    11
    On 11/10/2023 at 2:55 AM, notjasonlee said:

    Fantastic mod, but the state of the cores seems to get worse as you reload games. Does it not store the state of the cores based on the save? My horse died because I kept having to retry a checkpoint in a mission over and over again, then ended up nowhere near water with my horse at 0 thirst. It tripped once then didn't get up, dead with no option to revive.

    Can not save state of the cores based on the save. I suggest you disable the mod during the missions or set health drain to 0.

    Realistic Navigation

       3,116    9
    11 hours ago, dgduvall said:

    Thank you for the quick response. I'm playing the PC version with keyboard & mouse. I use the mouse wheel to zoom in/out.

    What is the problem exactly? You can not zoom in enough?

    Realistic Navigation

       3,116    9
    12 minutes ago, dgduvall said:

    After I installed this (using LML), I see the map has been changed but I cannot zoom like I could before. I assume I'm doing something wrong but has anyone else suffered this way? 🙂


    If you play with a controller the zoom in will always center on your character and give out your location. It is disabled in the controller version for that reason.

    No Dead Eye Effects Mod

       21,738    15
    12 hours ago, micksteel121 said:

    can you tell me where in the files you deleted the filters, I thought it was animpostfx in the update and data files in the game, but when I try to replace them it doesnt work for me. 




    Nevermind i found it


    So which file is it if you do not mind sharing?

    Ingame world sounds only

       1,287    6
    20 hours ago, micksteel121 said:

    Nice mod, i was trying to figure out how to get rid that annoying noise. is there a way to get rid of the stupid visual effect too, like when you change into a npc model and drink something that red glare keeps popping up. i thought the file was lutpostfx but its not working when i replace it. thanks 


    I do not know how to do it but there are mods that remove dead eye filter so it is probably possible to remove other filters too.

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