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  1. Why isn't this on nexus? This is the fix for the ghosting, there is no other fix, it simply works.
  2. This would be a mod that fixes the quickdraw while playing in mouse and keyboard on pc. When playing in console, you can just press the fire button while your gun is hostered to quickly quickdraw without having to unhoster your weapon or aim at peds, in pc you need to improvise and while focusing in a ped with RMB, quickly press LMB and stop pressing RMB, then tapping again LMB, which is not pratical. This mod would possibilitate to simply quickdraw your gun (without using deadeye) by tapping LMB one or two times, which would probably make impossible to punch using LMB, but giving a good and pratical tool to firefights.
  3. But did you disable invincibility? Try my .ini which has it turned off. If it still the same, then it probably is other mod's fault. PedDamageOverhaul.ini
  4. Invincibility? As the mod's creator said, the beta has invincibility on, you need to turn it off in the .ini file.
  5. I have no idea. Probably priority. I was using both but now that i stopped using them, it is running more smoothly, probably because my CPU is old and would bottleneck the GPU. You can try to see if it improves the fps.
  6. Are you using any launch arguments? I was using -high and -USEALLAVAILABLECORES and now that i stopped using them it got a bit better, more playable in towns again. Maybe it has something to do with that?
  7. Well, i am also having high fps drops in towns, but it has nothing to do with the mod, activating or not, uninstaling the mod or no, nothing changes. This game is weird.
  8. As he said, he tweaked some things and improved performance, using an older version .ini may not be so compatible as it might not have all the options correctly disposed for the mod's coding; or having outdated options better configurated in the updated version. Maybe not much in this version as there is no major changes, but if a mod version adds new things, you need an updated .ini to validate this configuration.
  9. How much fps on wilderness? Because now it is looking like the old versions of the mod, are you sure you are using the beta now? Same skydiving fps with no mods at all?
  10. Try my preset. I configurated it a bit to make it compatible with your system, then tell me if it works and how is the fps. Remember to make a backup of your original file, then if it doesn't works you can get it back. Also, try to tweak some options like textures to High to see if it has any difference. I forgot, remember to right click the file, go to proprierties and change to ''read only'' before starting the game. system.xml
  11. I will take a look. Are you using any other mods? If you uninstall all mods the fps keeps low?
  12. As i said, make sure you are using the beta, try to find both files and delete, then download the beta and install fresh, just to make sure.
  13. If it is the same thing, then maybe the mod isn't the problem. Are you using a resolution upscale? Too much reflections? Send me your configurations. One thing i know, this beta improved a lot the fps. When i entered an area with a lot of npcs using the 1.57 version, my fps went to 20, when i deactivated the mod pressing F9 the fps would increase to 40 as normally, making it clear that the mod was causing fps drops. It was just delete the mod and download the beta that this was fixed, no more fps drops, and the mod working fine. So i am pretty sure this low fps you are having is related to graphical options or something like this, or maybe rockstar made another bad update that affected your fps.
  14. Are you sure you installed the beta? Are you using any other mods? Are you using Vulkan or Directx? How much fps you have without the mod? I use directx because Vulkan makes my game crash and i play in more or less 40 fps, with the new beta i have no fps loss at all.
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