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Everything posted by LittleSadEgg

  1. Hey there I personally love the little detail this mod adds with the initials, only thing that sucks is I also like the gun metal rework mod. I know you mentioned merging the two in order to keep the metal improvement and also have the grips stay black. I’m just wondering if there’s a certain file I need to download in order to merge the mods? I’ve tried looking it up to no success. Edit: Never mind I found an application called Winmerge that I was able to use to merge the mods. For anyone else who was looking to use the two mods together, but didn’t know where to start go download the file here. https://winmerge.org/?lang=en , compare the two mods in the application then scroll all the way down until you see <Name>Weapon_Pearl</Name>. You’ll see the <AlbedoMetalRGB lines are different, highlight the text(including the space before the x) from the grip mod, right click and hit copy to opposite side. That will get you the black version of the grip with the metal textures from the GMR mod. Now in the LML go and make sure that GMR mod is loading after the grip mod, and with that enjoy. 🙂
  2. Alright so I've read through the comments and still have no idea whats going on. The revolver doesn't show up in the valentine gunsmith at all, not even locked. I tried both trainers mentioned and while the weapon appears in the list, it wont allow me to equip it. If anyone can help a dummy figure out what he's doing wrong I'd appreciate it.
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