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Everything posted by SAC

  1. Looks very promising indeed!! What would 1077936128, 1086324736 be? My natives show them as "any" (as in any guess is as good as mine 🙂 )
  2. Hi I am programmatically spawning various NPCs into the world. If I just spawn them, they stand still / do nothing. This statement works fine TASK::_TASK_USE_NEAREST_SCENARIO_TO_COORD(myPed, vpedloc.x, vpedloc.y, vpedloc.z, 100, -1, true, true, true, true); But I am wondering if there are smarter / more diverse ways of making them sandbox, this feels a little mechanical and repetitive Also, it feels that there are scenarios placed on the map which are either gender or model-specific (?) For example, female spawns will never start carrying timber in the SD Harbor - is that reserved to the a_m_m_sddockworkers_02 model? If so, how to enable it / make it available to a female spawn? I have also tried TASK::TASK_USE_NEAREST_SCENARIO_CHAIN_TO_COORD(playerTarget, vpedloc.x, vpedloc.y, vpedloc.z, 100, true, true, true, true); but it does nothing Any ideas on how to diversify sandboxing? Thx
  3. Is it possible to make a nested / "foreign reference" NPC model ymt? Something like: sac_model.ymt <blah> <outfits> [a_f_m_btchillbilly] (existing model ymt) [a_f_m_sdchinatown] (existing model ymt) [... etc] </outfits> </blah>
  4. Follow-up / tune-up: I have a custom ped model added to metapeds, containing outfits from multiple groups of peds (a mashup, so to speak) PED::_SET_RANDOM_OUTFIT_VARIATION(pedSpawn, 1); ^^ this is very "sticky", returns outfits from the same group of peds, resulting in uniform populations PED::_SET_PED_OUTFIT_PRESET(pedSpawn, (std::rand() % (PED::GET_NUM_META_PED_OUTFITS(pedSpawn) - 1)), false); ^^ this offers true (or, anyway, better) randomization
  5. _TASK_START_SCENARIO_IN_PLACE works fine at making peds start scenarios. However, some scenarios generate props (brooms, buckets etc) which get left behind when the ped finishes the scenario, eventually leading to prop clutter. Question is, how to script the props / peds / scenarios whatever to clean up the props when the scenario ends? TY
  6. I'd like to refine this a little further: - I'd like the ped to spawn in front of the player, but no matter how I offset x and y, the spawn point seems random - I'd like the ped to turn to face the player, have tried TASK::TASK_TURN_PED_TO_FACE_ENTITY(myPed, player, 2000, 0, 0, 0); but it doesn't seem to do anything
  7. Turns out my natives.h was outdated. SgtJoe helped me update it, now your code works and spawns the peds as intended Thank you
  8. Not working for me, need further instructions Ped spawnPed(Hash pedModel, float coordX, float coordY, float coordZ) { STREAMING::REQUEST_MODEL(pedModel, true); while (!STREAMING::HAS_MODEL_LOADED(pedModel)) WAIT(0); Ped pedSpawn = PED::CREATE_PED(pedModel, coordX, coordY, coordZ, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1); // PED::_SET_RANDOM_OUTFIT_VARIATION(pedSpawn, 1); // ENTITY::PLACE_ENTITY_ON_GROUND_PROPERLY(pedSpawn, 1); // ENTITY::FREEZE_ENTITY_POSITION(pedSpawn, 0); STREAMING::SET_MODEL_AS_NO_LONGER_NEEDED(pedModel); return pedSpawn; } // lines due to compiler errors while (true) { if (IsKeyJustUp(VK_F3)) // F3 to spawn a female { Vector3 plCoords = ENTITY::GET_ENTITY_COORDS(PLAYER::PLAYER_PED_ID(), true, false); Ped myPed = spawnPed((GAMEPLAY::GET_HASH_KEY("sac_female")), plCoords.x + 2, plCoords.y, plCoords.z); DrawText(0, 0, "Spawning NPC"); } Pressing F3, nothing happens (no spawn), besides "spawning NPC" appearing briefly on the screen, signaling F3 keypress was registered
  9. So, the mod loader works fine, and the relevant settings in visualsettings.dat are peddirt.change.player.fadetogrubby 1.0 # SAC change (-1 autodirty) peddirt.change.player.inwater 2.0 peddirt.change.player.inrain 999.0 # SAC change peddirt.change.player.waterfall 2.0 peddirt.change.player.indirt 999.0 # SAC change peddirt.change.player.sliding 1.0 peddirt.change.player.collidewithdirt 1.0 # number of collisions with a dirty material (any body part) peddirt.change.player.carcasscarried 1.0 # number carcasses carried peddirt.change.player.inbath 2.0 Problem is they work on the player only. I cannot identify a peddirt.change.<human / generic NPC whatever>.fadetogrubby variant (tried human, civfemale - not working). Any idea how to find the possible arguments for that function?
  10. 2021-12-13 17:57:08 INFO d:\gtav\vfs\vfs\vfs\rdr3\customcollection.cpp:520: Global full replace: addonDLC:/pedexpressbysac/pedexpress/visualsettings.dat I think it gets loaded, so it's back to finding the correct parameters in the file.
  11. Please see line 29 in the log I am loading other files too, at least some of them are confirmed working in-game. visualsettings.dat either is wrong or does not get loaded ModManager.log PedExpressBySAC.rar
  12. So far I have modified this file, and I am using this syntax to load it via LML I am not seeing any changes in-game, and I am not sure it's because my modifications are not the correct ones, or the LML string is wrong and the file never gets loaded / get overriden <Resource> <FileReplacement> <GamePath>update:/common/data/visualsettings.dat</GamePath> <FilePath>PedExpress/visualsettings.dat</FilePath> </FileReplacement> </Resource> visualsettings.dat
  13. Hi, I am also looking to mod visualsettings.dat, but I am unable to see the modifications in-game Which exact install syntax should I use to replace it? Currently I have <Resource> <FileReplacement> <GamePath>update:/common/data/visualsettings.dat</GamePath> <FilePath>PedExpress/visualsettings.dat</FilePath> </FileReplacement> </Resource> This is what the openiv search returns TY
  14. Hi Any idea how to make Arthur stop screaming "out of the way" whenever there's another ped in close proximity? It's jarring and repetitive Thx
  15. I don't notice anything. Not sure if this is good or bad 🙂
  16. Hi, I am looking at a way to disable the fading of decals, more specifically dirt decals (from dead bodies... it bugs me when I make a mess out of a ped and they become squeaky clean in a minute) Someone suggested a "gamedata" file, I am unable to find it (with openiv). I understand there is a gamedata.xml file in GTA5, but I am not finding one in RDR2. Any other pointers / suggestions? Thanks
  17. Just in time for the weekend 🙂 Are there new parameters in the ini, or I can use the ini from the previous version?
  18. I'm glad you like it. I am still trying to (learn how to) tweak some basic stuff. The reaction to headshots from the front and from the side I think look quite good and "natural". I am not so happy with headshots from behind: 1. the head impact and body reaction is exaggerated in my opinion, the tradeoff I found so far is a rigid neck boolean parameter vs too loose, both are not tweaked where I'd like them yet 2. high body reaction (lean forward) + not taking an instinctive step forward is not so plausible, so looking at that too Also, I'd like for the peds to sometimes end up kneeling, but I don't know how to do that yet Problem is that there are a lot of parameters even in a simple implementation (what @AnymYodoes is orders of magnitude more complex), and testing each new parameter tweak means reloading the game to take effect + lack of proper documentation => semi wild goose chase
  19. I had a similar opinion on headshots and @AnymYo was extremely kind to provide me with an alternate version, which mostly addressed my preferences. Since then I've started exploring some tweaks of my own and providing feedback I am pretty much happy with the results, there is still some minor "convulsion" present just before expiring, I am still trying to get rid of that one too (unless it's a core game mechanic). Hoping I am not overstepping my bounds (and I will take this file down if so instructed by @AnymYo), I am attaching the alternate headshot version, with the hope to inspire further testing and constructive feedback. Place it in \lml\CERR 1.043\cerr, overwrite the original. physicstasks.ymt
  20. 1. Make sure EuphoriaModInstalled = 1 only if you have WERO or CERR installed, otherwise set to 0 2. Make sure you have these settings RunningThresholdBothLegs = 24 RunningThresholdOneLeg = 32 3. Make sure you shoot them in the leg to stumble (to state the obvious) If all these are correct, then idk, HughJanus is the man to ask
  21. Agree about PDO My actual question is how can I tweak the file in order to achieve the following, on headshot: just drop instantly on the spot - no stumbling, no hesitation, no squirming when down, just account to bullet direction (front / back / side)? Thank you!
  22. Hi, Thanks for the update. Did some testing of 1.4.3 with headshots using a revolver. - It is very seldom they will just drop dead on the spot (which I am looking for): usually they will stumble a couple of steps before dropping to the ground - After falling to the ground, they will still squirm for a second or two (again, I was looking for just "drop dead", no squirms) - It is very seldom they will fall on their face and lay facing down, when shot from the back - stumble, squirm, somehow end up on their back facing up; as a result, out of 10 shot at the back of their heads, almost none ended up facing down, and almost all ended up on their backs facing up - again, not what I was looking for (not sure if intended?) Hope this helps. If you point me at the relevant settings, I can try some tweaking of my own, as it is, the file is too complex for me to make sense of it, and I don't understand the German comments 🙂 (I can google translate) I am using CERR with PDO, not sure if PDO has any influence on this. I can make some videos to help explaining, if useful Thank you
  23. Possibly off-topic (asked this in the CERR thread as well): noticed the dead bodies "self-clean" of dirt decals a while after dying (as opposed to wounds, which are permanent). Is there any way to make the dirt permanent as well / disable the "self-cleaning"? TY
  24. Possibly off-topic (going to ask this in the PDO thread as well): noticed the dead bodies "self-clean" of dirt decals a while after dying (as opposed to wounds, which are permanent). Is there any way to make the dirt permanent as well / disable the "self-cleaning"? TY
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