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Feller (1/10)



  1. +1 Great mod but losing Eagle eye flashes made me uninstall 😞 sticking to a slow mo mod until/if eagle eye is fix
  2. My dream list:- Any "Realism" mod in one pack/file with no conflicting/overlapping hotkeys. Mod wise I am very keen to see infinity brought into the game, what I mean is, once you complete the main story there are game loops available, I am using railway work, first response, hunting wagon but I would really love to grow plants on the/a farm, have the gangs contribute box in the kitchen where you need to pay toward s the upkeep of the house, this way you thus need to work to pay the bills, maybe an option to be robbed so say your in country but the rufus comes running out blood splattered you have 5mins to return to defend or you will lose items, goods and savings if you do not get home asap. basically i was always bummed after losing someone 😉 and with the game saves to keep them alive I would loved to have lots to do after the story dries up, even if it had a legendary prestige button where it resets all your character progress to chapter 1/2 or something
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