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  1. Hey just downloaded to do a super quick test of this. Only tested the no auto reload during shooting mechanic and it mostly worked but there were a few different quirks I found in a few minutes of testing. When you first load in swap your weapons on the horse to get them to work right with the shooting no auto reload. First off, this mod seems to decrease fire rate by blocking trigger pulls for a fraction of a second after a shots fired which I noticed when my muscle memory tried to double pull the trigger on a single action revolver. This isnt more than a handful of milliseconds, barely enough to be noticeable but I figured id let you know about it (Honestly I think it kind of adds to the weapon handling honestly and fits for me as it accidentally simulates recoil, that said it makes hammer fanning kinda clunky. If you ever figure it out and remove it from the mod I wouldnt mind seeing an option in the ini.) Second, the no auto reload during shooting doesnt seem to work while on horseback and it doesnt work in a strange way. First, it GIVES THE PLAYER AN EXTRA ROUND TO FIRE. So shooting a 6 shot revolver you are able to fire 7 times then you do the auto reload anyway. I assume this mod works by increasing the ammo capacity of all guns by 1 then disallowing the player from firing the last bullet and something about being on horseback messes that up. These are what I found with my first look but other than that seems to work quite well. Thanks for making this, I know disabling auto reload has been a tough pig to pork for the modding community and I appreciate you finding a work around. Ill keep playing with this and report back if I find anything else
  2. Ped damage overhaul allows you to modify accuracy of npcs among many other things and works quite well with this mod. Personally I like to turn their accuracy way down and their damage way up. For sure makes things more fun and now running away from the law is way more interesting as actual scary bullets are now whizzing all around you
  3. @HughJanus Did more testing, didnt run into that standing paralysis bug again once so I assume you fixed it. Unfortunately I found a new one. all the peds in dying states scream constantly even after I turned off the pain sounds and aim reaction sounds in the ini. Again, I can make a vid of it if you want but right now I just hear a constant stream of "BLEEYAAUUUGGHH" from all the wounded after a gunfight
  4. Didnt seem to have the standing quasi t-pose that couldnt be knocked down after this. Ironically had a similar issue after I disabled spine shots but was much less common and likely due to me messing with settings i only sorta understand. I did fairly little testing though tbh as I started to feel like a psychopath shooting up valentine for the 4th time in a row.
  5. Hey first off I wanna say thanks so much for this mod. This is really the mod that made me come back to red dead 2 after being so disappointed by vanilla gunplay. Secondly, I found a bug with the new spine shot feature. The bug happened while I was using your mod with Bass Dragon's Euphoria mod, I havent tried to recreate it without the euphoria mod but I imagine that the problem is likely there. Anyway, whenever the spine hit was activated the npc would just stand straight up stiff as a board. They would not react at all to new gunshots (I would literally shoot them in the head and they would remain standing stiff) I can make a vid if you would like but havent yet because I figure its probably a mod conflict and low priority
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