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  1. I tested shots from a greater distance after uploading the last beta version and now sometimes they do not get up after the shot and sometimes they get up but it seems like they are in the dying state because they walk for 40 seconds and then fall down, strange. I use the lancaster repeater and navy revolver, both with express ammunition for long-distance tests in most lancaster repeaters, and I also check the maximum distances when the aiming dot changes from gray to red, and as part of the tests I check if the npc is actually shot in the torso
  2. what would I have to change in the settings to get the same damage over longer distances? at close range, one shot in the torso knocks the opponent down and he does not get up anymore and I would like it to be the same at a greater distance, but unfortunately after hitting the opponent in the torso at a greater distance, it causes him to stand up and run away as if nothing happened (this is the case with weapons without a scope )
  3. @HughJanusI would also like to ask if there are any limits on damage modifiers? because I set the torso damage modifier up to 500-600 and with express ammunition sometimes after one shot the ped gets up and I would like it to be realistic and that they would die after one shot in the torso
  4. @HughJanusI have installed: Lennys mod loader Lennys simple trainer Red dead offline Crime and law rebalance Duels Simple high stakes (poker) Then I have to delete mods one by one and see what makes a mess. Thanks for your help and great respect for creating the mod because it has definitely been a lot of work and you have been caring about this mod and community issues for over a year after its release. Really great respect
  5. @HughJanusI reduced SpecialWeaponModifier and WeaponModifier to 10 (i.e. according to the description of 10% of standard damage) and also LegDamageModifier and ArmDamageModifier to 1 and admittedly using navy revolver with gunshots in arms and legs they did not die but with carbine repeater tests they died every time. what else would be best to change?
  6. Are online weapons stats added to these files, including navy revolver? because I saw another ragdoll when shot from the navy revolver and carbine repeater, should the shoots behave differently when shooting from pistols and rifles? I have version 1.56 Edit: I downloaded the files that you added in the last comment and it looks like the navy relvolver works like the rest, but I have two comments, one is that almost every shot in the leg causes death (not immediate) and the other one I wanted to ask if the weapon modifier works on animals ? if they do not have the changed amount of health, it will be harder to kill them and get perfect skins at the default of 60% damage, and again by changing the damage to 100% by default, will npc immediately die from being shot in the foot?
  7. Could you add an option to change the poker stakes?
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