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WhyEm last won the day on February 19 2023

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    United States
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Outlaw (3/10)



  1. If you could update your mods to work with the current game version, that would be so appreciated. None of your mods work now.

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  2. What is the difference between the gunslinger jacket and Lenny's gunslinger jacket?  I downloaded both but only see one in my inventory.  Maybe I'm not worthy.  LOL

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  3. Hey man. What is your graphical mod in game? I love the look and I love that you took time to make this jacket mod! Mine kinda looks dumb compared to what you just "normally" have in game. Love your work!

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  4. depends... if there is two versions of the same file name download the last one.
  5. do you still have issues or did you solve it
  6. Done 🙂
  7. I couldn't get the pearl grip to become darker so it isn't possible for me to do it at the moment
  8. Version 6.0.0


    Available for Download : Legendary Grip Alph Grip Carvings V.2 Grip Carvings V.3 Hand of God Grip... you know the one Lenny's Gun Grip Scorpion Gun Grip i made this as a test and for my playthrough and decided to share. I do not accept requests or suggestions. in fact I may not even fix bugs. Installation Lenny's Mod Loader If the mod has a instal.xml in it then extract the mod in your lml folder otherwise drop all files in the Stream folder; you need to create one if you don't have it already
  9. go to https://youtu.be/2wUq_QJwPls also if you have more questions; please hesitate to ask. i will be ignoring further comments. Thank you
  10. YOU ARE CORRECT Unfortunately there are too many mods out there that use talisman replacements and i personally dont mind the clipping with vests... i look away when it happens.
  11. no idea what you are talking about good luck though
  12. only one at a time for buckskin
  13. Version 12.0.0


    Available for download Leather Gunslinger Jacket (Special thanks to pintailduck100) Brown on Brown Gunslinger Jacket (Optional) Black Weathered Winter Gunslinger Coat Grizzlies Outlaw Coat Retexture Dark Ram baby The Black on Brown Gunslinger Jacket Lenny's Gunslinger Jacket Revisited Please note that i do not accept requests; i made these for my playthrough and decided to share them. Installation Lenny's Mod Loader If the mod has a instal.xml in it then extract the mod in your lml folder otherwise drop all files in the Stream folder; you need to create one if you don't have it already Here is my humble YouTube channel … consider subscribing 🙂 Lenny's Gunslinger Jacket Most Old West men who were labeled as being "gunfighters" did not kill nearly as many men in gunfights as the famed LMS. This Gunslinger adopted his own look; outlaws and Pinkertons trembled when they saw his symbol. There are some legends that say LMS’s death was staged, and he continued to live his life in the Wild West. Now both Arthur and John get to wear this signature gunslinger jacket aka Lenny's Gunslinger Jacket. Installation Drag and drop a version into your lml folder Notes: Also coming soon "Spurs and Such" Some users have reported that Lenny's Gunslinger Jacket is not working for them or keeps disappearing from the wardrobe. We found that this is only effecting users that are not worthy.
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