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reomarsianin last won the day on June 16 2021

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    Russian Federation
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  1. You need to install scripthook + asi loader. There are two asi loaders right now as far as I know. One comes with scripthook (dinput8.dll) and the other one comes with Lenny's Simple Trainer (version.dll). You are free to choose to run one of them or both. I had performance issues with lml and what helped me is to disable stream and replace folders in lml.ini file as I only install mods using install.xml. Also, since I am on slow HDD, I have turned off indexing on my hard drive and it also improved performance. There are two issues I know of with version.dll. The contracts mod by shtivi is not loading .dat file properly with version.dll loader for some reason for me and I saw something about duel random encounters not working correctly in other threads. Other than that everything works smooth.
  2. Do you have AB's scripthook installed? If not, then that is why the mod is not working for you. And you only need one .asi loader. All .asi mods, tools (e.g. lml) require scripthook to work. You can use dinput8.dll (comes with scripthook) or version.dll (from Lenny's simple trainer). You can use both, but I use version.dll for now
  3. LMS, after testing lml for some time and looking at vfs.log files i believe the file lookup feature you have mentioned earlier is causing issues on my setup (slow drive also). I get crashes after 10 - 15 minutes of play and it is always the same last line in the log. Uninstalling lml fixes the issue. Can you please add the option to disable the lookup feature in your next update, if it's not too much to ask?
  4. Hi, LMS. Using lml on game ver. 1311.23 works (both stream and replace features). Files are properly replaced in game, but my game keeps crashing after 15 - 30 min of playing. I have tested it and It doesn't matter if I use replace folder or stream or both of them or if I install non streaming files with install.xml. I am on win7 btw, cracked copy of the game. I am pretty sure lml causes ctds for me.
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