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a shady hermit

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a shady hermit last won the day on May 18 2021

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    United States

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  1. as the title implies, is it possible to remove the player characters hair physics(without breaking the model) either Arthur or John. In game I find the slightest bit of wind gives the hair physics an overexaggerated waviness, bugs the hell outta me. trainers are a good way to make the wind disappear but even moving around, especially with the length 7 fade haircuts has a really annoying effect on em when you move.id like it to be just a static thing that sits on my head, much like lego hair or something
  2. ive found entering stables is a guaranteed crash for me, have no clue if its lml thats the cause though, im using the latest update
  3. I've noticed that with this mod installed, im unable to take cover on certain parts of the environment, most noticably on buildings, im certain its this mod thats causing the issue as i can take cover on buildings when its not installed. The camera angle is excellent and i wish i could use it but its too big of a drawback for me to use it
  4. this mods been in mind ever since texture replacing became possible, and thats just getting rid of the ugly looking bullet holes that stay on your hat until you reload the game
  5. holy damn man you're a godsend haha, this is exactly what I was looking for. thank you, I seriously appreciate it have you thought about making this a standalone mod? cant thank you enough really man, cheers
  6. ahh ok, sorry man,i didnt mean to sound pushy or anything. thanks for helping me out with this though, i appreciate it
  7. hey thanks man, i was expecting to have to do some work on my end, i tried testing it but it seems to me like its just the beta epilogue head textures
  8. Would I be able to replace johns epilogue head textures with those of his npc's textures?(with the fresher scars and bruises) I know how to swap hashes through the shop items.ymt file but I don't know the hashes that are required to make this change. if anyone could help me figure out the hash or if its even possible to accomplish, id be real grateful
  9. alright man, sounds like ill have to do some more digging on my end, that option sounds pretty useful though, it might even solve my problem. thanks for taking the time to answer my questions and stuff. I appreciate it
  10. ah ok, i figured id just pop it into the stream folder and let your mod work its magic haha, do you think that could solve the stuttering issue?
  11. the mod does work for me, but I've noticed that it also causes stuttering when its installed, playing with it uninstalled works perfectly, I've only got one YMT file in the stream folder aswell as a few of the modifivers example mods
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