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  1. I set on the option "always killing wounded". It's a pitty because i love the animations when they die with killing wounded off. I dont know if the animations are different when killing wounded is on, but i feel like they fall very fast when is on. The game is hardly playable with that option off. I mean, in a lot of missions the friendly npcs are just waiting without advance and shooting to the air because of the wounded enemies. Many times those enemies are far and is hard and "out of the mission script" leaving the path to kill them. It breaks the pace of the missions (is a very cinematic and scripted game, the pace is crucial), and having to press F8 to see the message "Killing wounded enable" breaks the inmersion It would be great something like enemies dying in a max of 5 seconds when they are on the ground of something like that. Many times the mission doesnt continuo and is hard to know why cause you dont see the enemy which is alive I love this mod and the features like enemies dying with 1 or 2 shots, more gold loss when i die, more need of food.... but sadly it makes the missions sometimes frustrating. Several times i ended up a bit tired of missions because there are several missions with very chaotic action parts where is nearly impossible not to receive shots. Enemies have a lot of damage, and that is great when you have a good map to cover with, but most of the time the covers doesnt work very well. This game is very far from TPS like Uncharted, Gears of war, Tomb raider, spec ops the line....in terms of cover system. It's something that surprinsingly Rockstar haven't done well yet. Specially when you are in the nature, the characters can barely cover with rocks, its clunky and many times you gonna get shot before the character complete the cover animation correctly. The last mission for example is a torture with all those rocks and terrain Another example of this is the horse action parts. Many times there are enemies coming in horses while you ride, and is hard to aim from the horse. You gonna receive many shots before killing them (for example 3-5 enemies riding and shooting, you wont kill them without taking some shots) What i mean is, a gameplay where we die with few shots is perfect when you have a game with a good cover system, but in this game the covers use to fail and is basically impossible to complete a mission without receiving any shot, and enemies with much damage can make several missions really frustrating. Im trying with enemies damage set to 120 instead of 180. For them moment looks more enjoyable I know this situations are easily solved with deadeye, but that is like using cheats lol. That feature is totally broken. I dont want you to see this posts like a complain or something like that. I appreciate a lot your work and i say it as feedback from my user experience with the mod. Thanks
  2. I changed that, but the result is the same. I tried with 2000, 50000.... and the same. Sadie dies on a mission easily. I got excludestorynpc set to 1 as the .ini file says, but changing the StoryNPCHealth value changes nothing in my game
  3. Is there any way to do allied npcs inmortal? Im tired of them dying on the missions.
  4. Id like a mod for directly eating the food instead of looting it I mean, many times im looting a houses and theres a can of food. Id love to be able to just eat it without looting it. If my character is hungry, i prefer to eat it instead of looting it and then looking for it in my inventory I want for the food the same that we do with the plants. When we find plants, we can loot them or eat them directly.
  5. Id like to be able to deactivate the icons on the map, so i have to find myself the locations of the bounty hunter missions or diligences. Im playing the game without hud and when i have to do these kind of missions is a bit disappointing because it is shown on the map.
  6. Thank you so much. This is exactly what i was looking for
  7. I mean, something like in other third person shooters: i think even GTA V had a bit of this Could be possible to do that with a mod? It would make the game and the feeling of the guns more inmersive for me.
  8. One of the biggest fails i see in this game is there is no penalty for death. You respawn the same place you died just with a bit less money. It would be cool a mod that makes you go to the camp or last place you set a camp everytime you die. Or maybe respawn at the closes medic like in GTA Is it possible? PS: if not, i guess making the death much more expensive would be a good way to make us fear death
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