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ChristianW. last won the day on October 20 2021

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  1. @HughJanus I tried to missions and it didn't appear to be working the DisableLongerBleedoutInMissions, they still on the ground bleeding . Edit* I disabled bleeding only from the torso and that fixed the problem.
  2. I dunno what you did but you fixed ♥
  3. Isn't the Navy revolver the online weapon instead of the Lemat Revolver? and I quite sure that the 1899 pistol, the Evans is in vanilla too as well the Gambler revolver
  4. I think you mistook your link with link from the other comment.
  5. It would be nice if others could verify too, but for me the behavior still occurred
  6. @HughJanusHey It's possible to make the enemies bleed faster in missions to prevent an friendly npc trying to shoot a downed enemy behind a rock, that looks kinda odd, I like the longer bleeding but in missions that can be weird sometimes
  7. @HughJanus Sadly no, the only fix that I found useful was just leaving to 0 the EuphoriaModInstalled, it seems to work either way, they bleed more as you said that the addon would do, and the c.e.r.r seems to be active too.
  8. Hey, i noticed something testing older versions, It's not the .asi it's something in the .ini I was going back until a version that worked and I changed the .ini to this newest version and the behavior occurred, I will compare both and make some tests
  9. Hey, I tested and still happened, But I noticed A few more things, the npc's were bleeding But I had disable the BleedWhenShot, I checked and it was set to 0, then the other value the BleedingChanceShot has his own value 21 right? and i again put 0, and the bleeding stopped but the same behavior still happened, I changed the value BleedWhenDying to 0 and the same thing, and only when I set all the DyingMovementThreshold's to 0 the behavior stopped, then I changed everything to vanilla and only put 0 to all the DyingMovementThreshold values and the same bahavior occured, why? ins't that weird? I thought at the end that was the DyingMovementThreshold that was the culprit but it only "worked" when setting him and I guess the BleedingChanceShot and BleedWhenShot to 0 too. So yeah, I'm confused
  10. The same behavior happened, I tried those values for ZValueForHeadBone:160,60,10,1,0.... and the same thing happens in the same way.
  11. @HughJanus I managed to capture more examples, again I'm using vanilla PDO with the euphoria add-on and c.e.r.r but this happens without c.e.r.r too. RDR1.mp4 RDR2.mp4 RDR3.mp4
  12. @HughJanus I only active the show health and tasks and even then it's kinda hard to read. And Yes I'm using the euphoria mod in conjuctionwith c.e.r.r but this occurs without c.e.r.r althou I didn't tested the normal version without the euporia addon 2053851576_RDRTaskCompressed.mp4
  13. I don't know if is because of my resolution but If I activate show task,health and npc model the information superimposes each other on the screen, Do I need to activate all of them or just one or two information is already enough?
  14. This is the vanilla mod, Why does this happen? after an NPC crosses some health if they enter cover they fall incapacitated. Red Dead 2 Trimmed Clip 1 gravado com Medal.tv.mp4
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