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Phaxol last won the day on January 30 2021

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  1. Try restarting the game and see if that helps the issue, there is a known bug that has to do with the finished callout on accepting that I can address in the next update. This version has been pretty stable for me in blackwater but sometimes if you keep getting the "Disregard" message even if the town is populated, restarting the game works
  2. @Spinning Cloud Can you test the latest version of the callouts? I believe I have fixed a lot of the issues you were experiencing 🙂
  3. That's a problem with RDRFR arrest logic and not this plugin, this plugin doesnt control the player character. A way I found to get out of the animation cycle is to open the RAGE command prompt and type "ClearTasks" and then "Nudge", usually doing that a couple times will restore control of the character
  4. If you could make a list of the callouts that dont acknowledge the arrest I can narrow it down and try some things, you can try the different callouts by using the StartCallout command in the Rage command prompt
  5. If it's going to work, you will get a "suspect arrested" message and get your payout as soon as you finish tying the suspect up. If it doesnt happen immediately after tying the suspect up, it's probably not going to work and you will have to press "X" to end the callout. Does it happen on all callouts or only some? I will try to implement a short term fix, probably holding down a button after arrest to force the callout to proceed/end. @LMSdo you have any ideas for dealing with this bug where the ped isnt marked as arrested even though they are? I am using isPedArrested and isPlayerArresting currently to check the ped's status but it seems somewhat unreliable. As for the locked buildings, I would recommend installing the OpenAllInteriors mod, I use it and have no issues. I probably wont implement it in this mod as that mod works fine by itself. As for spawning on balconies, I think I can fix that in the next update relatively easy.
  6. I will try, it's hard to reproduce however as it seems to happen randomly as far as I can tell. If its any help, the blip for dead peds also appears on the minimap when it does happen, along with the red blip given by my mod even though the ped is standing there not dead with their hands up. I'll let you know if I can figure anything else out about what triggers it.
  7. The payout should be given automatically upon completion of the callout. As for that bug, I unfortunately think that's a bug in RDRFR itself where the criminal isn't considered dead or arrested even though they actually are, I get this bug sometimes too. Right now the workaround is to press "X" on the keyboard whenever this happens to force the callout to end. This won't give you any money however, but right now its the only workaround. I'm gonna try to code a fix but I'm not sure how much I can do with this issue
  8. Hello all, I'm hoping to get some help with a bug I've been experiencing in RDRFR. Sometimes when arresting a ped, the ped will be triggered as dead by scripts that have a reference to it. This interferes with the functionality of callouts and other mods that require differentiation between dead/arrested suspects such as my callout mod. For example, on my callouts if I arrest someone at gunpoint, the script will sometimes detect that the suspect has been killed as soon as they put their hands up. Since my mod offers different amounts of money depending on whether the ped was arrested or killed, this introduces a bug in the functionality. Any possible workarounds for this issue? I remember in my GTA V modding days there was a similar problem but I don't remember how I worked around it.
  9. Just updated with 5 new callouts for a total of 11, get 'em while they're hot!
  10. Thank you, I was trying to use Game.LocalPlayer.Character.Money and then tried the native and nothing worked, this worked like a breeze. Will be in next update
  11. Version 1.0.6


    Basic callouts for RDRFR
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