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salveta last won the day on January 23 2021

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  1. The newest version fixed the issues i had in the previous one. In the newest one, NPCs that get shot on horseback sometimes glitch into a seating position a little bit above the horse. Its like they get pushed by the saddle and plop up above it. It mostly happens when i shoot them in the stomach while they are riding a horse.
  2. For some reason i cant record the gameplay. The version that u posted in the comments here before 1.51 doesnt have this issue. For me, this version works best.
  3. Yes, the standing still shock is different than this. The NPCs just stand in a injured pose while bleeding and dont move and eventually fall down dead. Maybe that is what you were talking about but it seems kind of out of place considering i didnt encounter it before. It did happen to some degree but they would either fall down almost instantly after getting up or enter into euphoria ragdoll. I could try and record it if you want
  4. Thanks for the reply. I downloaded version 1.52. I dont know if this is a bug. Sometimes when the bleeding effect is activated, the NPCs get up from the ground and just stand still while bleeding and eventually drop to the ground but not in euphoria instead they jus plop to the ground.
  5. I downloaded the latest version. Enemies sometimes pop up from a downed position to a standing one. This didnt happen in the previous one i had installed that u posted on this thread. Maybe some mods that i have are conflicting with this new one but the previous version worked just fine
  6. This version works best so far. All issues that i had have been fixed. No more dropping to the ground without any kind of impact to the body after using dynamite. Great job
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