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atMee last won the day on February 4 2021

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  1. SKEL_Neck0 SKEL_R_Hand SKEL_L_Clavicle SKEL_L_Hand SKEL_L_Foot SKEL_R_Clavicle SKEL_Pelvis
  2. This is the Native class, If you want to take a quick look over https://github.com/Saltyq/ScriptHookRDR2DotNet/blob/master/source/scripting_v3/RDR2.Native/Native.cs also, This was already reported as a bug, and quite some time ago, Only text labels seem to work https://github.com/Saltyq/ScriptHookRDR2DotNet/issues/23
  3. It may be worth looking into the String Translator script as this script allows you to edit the Text Label strings. https://www.nexusmods.com/reddeadredemption2/mods/364 It's a bit of a workaround solution to the issue, but it's the only alternative I know.
  4. This will not work. Function.Call(Hash._UIPROMPT_SET_TEXT, prompt, Function.Call<string>(Hash._CREATE_VAR_STRING, 10, "LITERAL_STRING", t_text)); because using that native is literally no different than just passing the string it self. Function.Call(Hash._UIPROMPT_SET_TEXT, prompt, t_text); _UIPROMPT_SET_TEXT is looking for a valid text label. Which is the reason why this will work. string t_text = "WARDROBE_INSPECT_PROMPT"; Function.Call(Hash._UIPROMPT_SET_TEXT, prompt, Function.Call<string>(Hash._CREATE_VAR_STRING, 10, "LITERAL_STRING", t_text)); But this will not work string t_text = "My Custom String"; Function.Call(Hash._UIPROMPT_SET_TEXT, prompt, Function.Call<string>(Hash._CREATE_VAR_STRING, 10, "LITERAL_STRING", t_text)); If you are going to pass a literal string, Then you must make sure that the literal string matches a valid text label.
  5. _UIPROMPT_SET_TEXT uses text id/labels from the game, these are stored in the .yldb files.
  6. mbh_skinnersearch_males_01 = 0xDF4A4EAC 👍
  7. atMee


    For p0. true: Transitions from current shake, to no shake immediately. false: Transitions from current shake, to no shake over a short period. (More natural feel)
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