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lexo1000 last won the day on November 27 2020

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  1. Hello! Does Lenny's Simple Trainer is really mandatory for the mod works? Thanks
  2. Should we set EuphoriaModInstalled = 1 if using PDO Extended Features? Thanks
  3. Does loader.asi must be kept inside lml/Red Dead Offline folder or it must be moved to Red Dead Redemption folder? Thanks
  4. Great mod thank you. Please could you make a version compatible with No Auto Ammo Pickup mod? https://www.nexusmods.com/reddeadredemption2/mods/567 Two mods edit the same file (lootconfigdata.meta)
  5. Hello, I think that stamina is pretty useless in this game. Stamina management should be more important in term of gameplay. The idea of this mod is to: - make stamina deplete when running, - increase stamina depletion when sprinting, - when character run out of stamina, make that he's forced to walk, he can't run or sprint anymore. If someone could make a mod like that, It would be great 🙂
  6. Hi HughJanus In previous versions, when NPCs were falling down, they writhed in pain for few seconds and then die (which was really nice to see 😉 Now most of the time they falling down and simply stay on the ground without moving at all and then die. Is there any way to make this animation happens more often by editing the .ini? Thanks in advance.
  7. Ok thanks. A percentage would be better in order to keep the benefit of catching or buying strongest horses.
  8. So if I set HorseHealth = 50, does it mean that my horse will have 50% of its normal health? Or it will set its health to 50 points, regardless of its breed? Also please could you make CoreDepletionAfterDeath = 1 only occur when dying while free roaming and not after die and retry a mission?
  9. Thanks! Also is it possible to make horse less resistant to bullets? Actually my horse never die in gunfights and make horse reviver pointless.
  10. The latest version is great thanks! Just one thing which deserve an update is melee fights. The damage inflicted are too low (on both sides) so I and my ennemy can take like 20 hits before falling to the ground. Around 10~15 hits would be more appropriate I think.
  11. Tested for many hours and didn't see any bug. Maybe the time is come for 1.54? Can you explain how HorseHealth option is working? I would like to make them less resistant to bullets. Does a value of 100 is vanilla? So 90 make them 10% less resistant? Also, please could you add this options into the next release? - Horse stamina & heart depletion over time - Equipped weapons lost while dying in free roam Thanks again for all your hard work on this mod 🙂
  12. Please could you reactivate the xray effect from eagle eye ? Thanks!
  13. I try it now 😉 Did you set NPCWeaponModifier=100 & NPCFearChance = 0 for testing purpose or it is the new recommended setting? (previously was 240 and 190)
  14. I tried latest beta version and I confirm the bug with ennemies that fall down without moving and never die. I set AlwaysBleedoutLonger to 0 fyi.
  15. Hi HughJanus, The mod is great now but I still encounter infinite dying states. Sometime peds stay on the ground without moving and never die. Thanks
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