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  1. Think that's just "outfits" or something... Like sadie got numerous outfit styles.
  2. Just an idea... but perhaps you could look for a separate mod that allows you to save your online character? The shape of the face and stuff that you can't determine with the listings. For GTA V you can do this with certain trainers... mostly due to the director mode, as you don't even need to go online... but that option is missing here. Idk... just curious to hear if it'd be possible. As the generic faces are... horrendous.
  3. I don't know. Didn't have an issue with that kind of stuff. Only issue I'm facing is after the final mission with Arthur, when you become Marston... everything becomes wonky. I keep getting ejected from the ride and the skin glitches like crazy... I'm not sure if its the trainer but gonna give it a try without it. Not sure whether to hope it is or ain't LOL. Hope it becomes more like a GTA V trainer as time goes on... where you can set your health amount and stuff, instead of having it so low.
  4. Might I suggest adding the section or screenshot from it, allowing for analyzation perhaps?
  5. Nvm it's in regular listings
  6. Is it normal to have low health when using a different skin?
  7. Hi, I was wondering, is there a way to get the "mask" bandana to function? If anyone knows of a way perhaps, another mod maybe. I wouldn't mind if it's just a specific one like Morgan has or one we can select... the one we put on through the outfit changer. But it'd be nice. As currently there is just an "invisible mask" to hide the identity 😛
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