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  1. Were you ever able to figure this out? I'm looking to change prices for Fenced items such as Horses and Wagons.
  2. I was just wondering if there was anyway to go about changing prices for Fenced items such as Horses and Wagons? I've checked the catalog file in OpenIV. I've also found that prices are variable for horses and carriages as with the Missouri Fox Trotter for example, the purchase price in game is $950, $38 sold to fence, $19 sold to Stable. Any ideas?
  3. I'll give it a looksee. Thanks! One more quick question (sorry to be annoying you), I have a saddle and a bunch of stuff on this horse I have, but I am not able to use the Rifle/Shotgun areas at the bottom and left of the Weapon wheel. Is this normal or did I mess something up?
  4. Thanks for your response! How does one load an outfit they've created after reloading the game? I'm seeing the save option but no load option.
  5. How does one load an outfit they've created after reloading?
  6. First off, thank you for writing this down. Was scratching my head and trying mod by mod to see what was causing this. Second, is there anyway to fix this?
  7. Is it normal for my horse to spawn with no saddle when first using this mod?
  8. When using the animal skin ponchos from Online on Arthur, they appear to be placed a bit higher than Arthur's shoulders? Am I doing something wrong? Any way to fix this?
  9. Is there anyway to make Arthur smoke but still be able to walk around?
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