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Posts posted by Sam

  1. It's a little late to say the least, but we're excited to announce that the first public version of our police mod for Red Dead Redemption 2, RDR First Response (RDRFR), is now available for download.


    This first version of RDRFR puts the power of the law into your hands for the first time since Rockstar's flagship title arrived on PC.  Working in conjunction with our Patreon supporters and testers, we've built a number of core features into the mod for you to enjoy with the ability to arrest suspects, go on duty and request backup in a manner similar to LSPDFR for GTA V.  


    Being tailor made towards RDR, though, there's a couple of key differences in RDRFR.  One of the new concepts we've introduced is for providing 'missions' or 'investigations' to the player.  Instead of pretending that police radios existed in the 20th Century, you'll now find that civilians within the world will summon your help the old fashioned way - in person, calling out loudly for the assistance of the law.  Similarly, there are other noticeable deviations throughout especially as it relates to arresting suspects and the interaction options available.  Instead of having separate key presses or buttons, we've tried to keep things as integrated with the game as possible: most of the features and actions in RDRFR are accessed or performed through the game's contextual prompts.


    As for the mod itself, we did originally hope to put RDRFR into your hands much sooner, but our efforts were hampered by the ongoing situation in the real world which has had an effect on us all.  It's important to note too that RDRFR, along with RDR modding in general, is very much still in its infancy and there's still a lot left to figure out as it relates to development.  Developing the mod has been a challenging process and please do keep in mind that RDR isn’t GTA - there are considerable and significant differences across the board; whether it’s the way in which characters act towards each other or simply the differing user interfaces and core gameplay systems like inventories and items. 


    With that being said, we do think that our first version of RDRFR introduces some compelling new ideas, interesting concepts and leaves plenty of room open for future expansion.  You'll notice there are some neat details throughout the mod, and there's also a couple of content packs which make use of the RDRFR API already available, developed by our testers, for you to add-on too.


    We hope that you enjoy this release of RDRFR, and we thank you for your patience as things took a little longer than anticipated.

    • Like 3
  2. We recommend that you do not play story missions or other activities while RDRFR is loaded as this may result in glitches or unintended consequences.


    RDRFR is meant to be used in the Story Mode of RDR, and will generally work without any problems so long as it is not used in missions, but there are a few things that you should take into consideration:

    • Changing the player into a lawman can cause the game to become confused which might elicit different behaviors from game characters.
    • Some storyline aspects of RDR may interfere with RDRFR, such as the game chapter in Rhodes where the player cannot use weapons.
    • There are many scripted interactions in RDR which may not work properly with RDRFR, especially if the player tries to interact with characters involved in these interactions by using the RDRFR controls.


    Don't ever save your game with RDRFR loaded.  This could corrupt your savegame and force you to start the game from the beginning.
  3. No, RDR First Response is not compatible in any way with RDR Online.


    RDRFR is made possible by the RAGE Plugin Hook, a modding tool which doesn't work in RDR Online.  This is because of two main reasons:

    1. We do not wish for people to use the mod's features in public RDR Online sessions as this could lead to griefing.
    2. Rockstar Games prohibits any modifications which interfere with RDR Online.



    Rockstar Games believes in reasonable fan creativity, and, in particular, wants creators to showcase their passion for our games. After discussions with Take-Two, Take-Two has agreed that it generally will not take legal action against third-party projects involving Rockstar’s PC games that are single-player, non-commercial, and respect the intellectual property (IP) rights of third parties. This does not apply to (i) multiplayer or online services; (ii) tools, files, libraries, or functions that could be used to impact multiplayer or online services, or (iii) use or importation of other IP (including other Rockstar IP) in the project; or (iv) making new games, stories, missions, or maps. This is not a license, and it does not constitute endorsement, approval, or authorization of any third-party project. Take-Two reserves the right to object to any third-party project, or to revise, revoke and/or withdraw this statement at any time in their own discretion. This statement does not constitute a waiver of any rights that Take-Two may have with respect to third-party projects.


    You can find out more about Rockstar Games' modding policy here:


  4. 7 hours ago, HughJanus said:

    Ah, I see. I found SET_PED_COMBAT_MOVEMENT in the nativeDB and I suppose the movement IDs will be known as soon as we have a working version of OpenIV?


    If it is the same as GTA V, SET_PED_COMBAT_MOVEMENT doesn't have anything to do with animations and instead determines how much the ped moves around while in combat.  If you set this to 0, for example, they will generally stand still while shooting.  I think setting it to 1 or 2 increases the amount that they'll move, flank, etc.

  5. On 1/2/2020 at 5:10 AM, Officer Herondale said:

    Just wondering, how has it been two days short of a month and no release? I know this may come off as rude, but seriously?


    I hope you'll understand that it's just been a super busy and stressful time for us.  Even just getting this website on its feet was enough work alone.  We released the first script trainer for RDR2, the first outfit changer, a new update to our LSPDFR mod for GTA V, there's been Christmas and New Year...  I could go on.

  6. 6 hours ago, Officer Joey Kuffman said:

    cant you guys do the same with gta v? own costum caracter creator? ;D i know its early but lspdfr costum caracter was pretty late 😄 but better now than never 😄


    Adding the character creation to LSPDFR was a lot of work, it will be even more difficult with RDR 2 as there are a number of issues with using RDR Online assets in Story Mode.


    On 12/8/2019 at 4:36 AM, Tyler2006 said:

    So why hasn't this been released as a beta yet? They obviously have the file, we don't care if the beta is very laggy or crashing a lot, we just want to play with it.


    That is still our plan, once we have something that's worth everyone trying out then we will release it.  It will be fairly soon.

    • Like 6
  7. 7 minutes ago, Cyastic said:

    I don't even know if this possible, but it would be pretty nice to have all weapons with the character in the weapon wheel like GTA V or RDR1. Idk if this could be added via applying horse inventory properties to player character, as there are animations and horse proximity to consider, but it would certainly be nice to be able to go into the woods and hunt with various weaponry without having to track down my horse or needing to bring it with me all the time, like it's attached to my hip or something... 


    Hopefully once OpenIV comes out for RDR2 this is something that'll be a bit easier.  There must be some sort of settings for the weapon groups.

    • Like 1
  8. Following closely in the footsteps of LSPDFR, the police mod for GTA V, today we're excited to share some screenshots and details about our latest project - RDRFR, the upcoming police mod for Red Dead Redemption 2.


    Putting the player in the shoes of a lawman, RDRFR will bring a whole new dimension to Red Dead.  Not only will you be able to walk the streets and roam the plains with the full authority of the law on your side, but we're creating something that's quite different too.  Indeed, perhaps the truest strength of RDR 2 is that it is different - it's not just GTA in the west - there's more to it than that.  It's a vast open world, it has a level of detail in the characters, the setting, the environment that's unmatched by any other open world, free form game.  With RDR we have the opportunity to create an experience that's far more intimate and refined than any previous mod, with a greater focus on interaction and investigation as opposed to LA style car chases.




    In the absence of modern CCTV surveillance, finding out the culprit in the weekly bar brawl calls for more 'traditional' means.




    Leveraging RDR's powerful system for contextual prompts gives rise to all new interactions with the people you encounter.

    Our focus at the moment is to finish developing an initial version of RDRFR as quickly as we can.  There's no doubt that we've come a long way since RDR was first released on PC, but there's so much that's still unknown about how the game works, and what we can mod into it.  With this in mind, instead of sitting on it for a couple of months as we try to get stuff 'perfect', we instead want to have the ball rolling within the space of some weeks, and let the mod grow and evolve naturally as we see how people play it, and what sort of things should be added and focused on.




    Some things haven't changed much, though... Like perps staring down the barrel of a pump action shotgun as you bring them in.

    Seeing Rockstar's latest open world epic from the eyes of the law is really fun.  Being a lawman at the turn of the 20th century doesn't seem as cut and dry as being a police officer in a modern metropolis, and we're hopeful that this offers a ton of potential for what a police mod for this game can become.  We can't wait to see what happens with RDRFR, and we're working day and night on getting the mod into your hands, so that you can put on a star and lay down the law.


    Be sure to closely follow our website and Discord server for the latest news as we develop RDRFR, which we hope to bring a 'beta' version of as quickly as possible.


    If you haven't already done so, you might also wish to consider becoming a Patron, not only to support our work which is completely free, but also for all the latest insider scoops and special behind-the-scenes access as a thank you for your support.

    • Like 41
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  9. A preliminary version of the RAGE Plugin Hook (RPH) for Red Dead Redemption II is now available.  For anyone unaware, or new to modding, the RAGE Plugin Hook is a powerful framework which allows modders to create plugins for RDR 2 by writing code in popular programming languages (C#, VB.NET, or any other .NET language).  This is a significant development in the modding community for RDR 2, and we're really looking forward to seeing all the new mods that are made possible because of it.


    There are a number of changes introduced in RPH for RDR 2 that developers should be aware of:

    • It's a preliminary version, so many classes, properties and methods are not yet implemented.
    • RPH for RDR 2 is distinct from RPH for GTA V - it is an updated codebase written entirely in C#.
    • Due to graphics API changes in RDR 2, only a simpler version of the RPH Console (F5) is available.
    • There are numerous other changes, e.g. vehicle seat indices are now zero based.


    There's a lot more information about RPH for RDR 2 here: http://ragepluginhook.net/RPH2PreDoc/

    The download is here: https://www.mod-rdr.com/files/file/16-rage-plugin-hook/

    • Like 2
  10. 17 hours ago, weesnaw said:

    Patch notes for updates to the wikis would be nice-- For example when the Ped list gets updated with new additions, it'd be nice to see what exactly is new instead of sifting through 500+ ped models.


    If there's already a way to view this info though, my bad aha


    We'll hopefully have some improvements and extensions to the wiki pages soon.

  11. Our new NativeDB is now live and available for all to use.  This is a project that we've been working on keenly since the game was launched, as we thought that having a proper and fully relational database for native functions would be a massive help for everyone.


    The NativeDB can be freely edited by registered members, and we hope that everyone finds the enhanced functionality to be useful:


    • Search natives by return type, name or hash.
    • Filter search results by game version and whether or not the native has any comments.
    • WYSIWYG editor for native descriptions, including attachments/images support.
    • Basic code editor to provide code examples for any native.
    • Add descriptions for every native function parameter.
    • Fully featured comment threads on all native pages.
    • Ability to report natives/parameters/comments to website moderators.
    • Revision history for all natives and parameters - can be restored by moderators.


    If there's any issues, feedback or suggestions that you have for the NativeDB, please let us know in this topic.

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