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  1. I think one of the most exciting aspects about a new game is that we all don't really know how things will work out and as such will have to figure it out along the way. Changing your model and disabling bounties for you is probably quite easy, but for the more in-depth game mechanics we will have to see what we can do. I'm interested to see what everyone else thinks!
  2. I think it will be very interesting to see if people actually shift to creating horses and everyone just hacks in vehicles. I for one would love to see some cool custom horses!
  3. Red Dead Redemption 2 is soon coming to PC and we are all very excited. The challenge with such a big game is that you never really know where and how to get started with it. If you haven’t played through the first Red Dead Redemption, then don’t worry. The second game has the number two at the end of it, but it’s considered a prequel, so you won’t be missing out on anything from the first game. The only thing you’ll really miss is the opportunity for some “oh” and “ah” moments of connecting the two games. However, newcomers won’t have to worry about not understanding the story as they’re technically walking in before the events of the first game. Here are some tips you should consider before diving into Red Dead Redemption 2. Horse commands A lot of people don’t know this, but you can easily issue commands to your horse. There’s a dedicated menu where you can tell your horse to follow, stay or flee, depending on what might happen at that time. and if you bond with your steed, this will unlock new abilities. Don’t Forget Your Horse Revival Kit Speaking of your horse, it’s not an invincible tank in this game that is impervious to damage. Unlike Skyrim’s horses where you don’t care if they fall off a cliff; you’re going to want to care a little bit about your horse in Red Dead Redemption 2. Your horse in RDR2 is everything and you need to make sure you’re ready to revive it after it used itself to shield you in a gunfight. You will be rewarded with a cinematic experience atop your trusty steed while playing so taking good care of your horse pays off. Master the Dead Eye The Dead Eye is a feature designed to help you highlight people and animals. It’s the best way to get an instant kill and you will find it incredibly interesting and powerful. That being said, you will have a slow motion attack which will help eliminate your prey very fast and with the utmost convenience. Make the radar bigger Sometimes when you play Red Dead Redemption 2 there’s a lot going on or the map or you just can’t find the stuff you expect. That’s why it makes a lot of sense to keep the radar bigger and try to leave all the map options on, so you can see everything. Take care of Morgan You need to go and eat often, drink water and also smoke. Morgan has his own needs here and you will have to fulfill them so they can obtain the best results. It’s definitely a good idea to keep in mind, and you will find it easier to play when all those needs are fulfilled. Keeping enough tobacco with you is a necessity pretty much, so you should remember that. Turn on Toggle to Run If you are using this setting in the game, you will be able to run at your own pace and without having to worry about any downsides. This is actually a great option if you want to stop tapping the same button again and again. Pay bounties at the post office Bounties will appear on your head, so going to the post office to pay off bounties will help you a lot. You can rest assured that it’s the best option to pay off bounties instead of having enemies attack you, so keep that in mind. Buy train tickets for fast travel The idea of fast traveling with a train might seem a bit overwhelming at first. But the main focus in this game is to actively try and figure out how to reach your destination quickly. Train tickets are costly, but they will offer a great experience, and that’s what you want to achieve. Hack Cinematic Mode For Ultimate Laziness If you’re on your horse, sometimes you just don’t want to keep your keys pressed while navigating through the wildlands. However, you can set your waypoint and have your horse carry you there in the ultimate lazy person’s fashion. However, don’t expect to be able to walk away to make a sandwich. If you get attacked while on horseback while you’re off your PC then you won’t be able to defend yourself and walk back full of bullet holes. These simple tips will help you get started pretty well with Red Dead Redemption 2 when it arrives on PC. The game is not as fast paced as GTA V, but it keeps the core of that Wild West vibe alive, and it really helps set a wonderful tone.
  4. The most relevant bit for all of us here:
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