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RDR2 Native Database

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RDR2 Player Clothes Database

RDR2 Ped Voices Database

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RDR2 Ped Model Database

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Everything posted by LMS

  1. I have no idea how the model files work, but I assume they could be made to work with other models. How difficult that is, however, is another question (and no tooling is available yet anyway to even open them).
  2. Due to an unknown (to me at least) change in the Moonshiner's update to the multiplayer characters they currently crash when loaded in singleplayer. I've looked into it a bit, but did not find the root cause yet. I recently managed to at least bring MP weapons back into singleplayer so hopefully I'll get the multiplayer models fixed at some point, too.
  3. If you would like to keep it as simple as possible, you can use the WinAPI GetPrivateProfileString/GetPrivateProfileInt functions to read from an ini file. You will still have to do the parsing for some types such as float, though. Something I've used in the past is https://github.com/jtilly/inih which is header only, so easy to work with. It also includes conversions to most common types which should make your life easier.
  4. I did not look into this any further, but I assume the list above is complete (it looks suspiciously similar to mine), so those are probably all components that can be attached to horses. The "natural" components might just be hardcoded per model and cannot be attached dynamically like the others.
  5. The best way might be to make it configurable via an ini file so that people can balance it the way they want.
  6. I am cheating a bit since my moment is the result of messing with game code, but it was still hilarious to watch. While looking for ways to make people ignore crimes committed by the player, we stumbled upon what is probably an event queue for player crimes. This queue is normally emptied after a witness has been assigned and is reporting it to the sheriff. We thought that perhaps this would be a good way to make everyone oblivious to the player's crimes - and it was. However, it resulted in citizens queuing up in front of the sheriff's office and "demanding the law", without the law ever responding. More and more people would join in forming a real life queue. Watching the scene unfold whilst committing more crimes made for really fun watch.
  7. You might also want to post this mod to the Downloads section to it is visible to more people, even if it was a special request mod 🙂
  8. The clothes are not made to fit NPCs for the most part, so while they sometimes work glitches are to be expected. A more reliable way to change clothing as a NPC model is to use the outfit selection.
  9. It might be that the imported data has changed, I will take a look.
  10. Thanks for the submission! To make it easier for people to see your mod and give feedback, please upload it to our Downloads section here: https://www.mod-rdr.com/files/submit/?category=&_new=1&do=submit
  11. Thanks! I fear we will not be able to find all bones using this way since there are so many, so hopefully we can find them in the data files.
  12. You will have to rely on people reporting it a bit more 🙂
  13. There are from some of the data files, but unfortunately are incomplete. I am not sure why there are multiple IDs for the same names, could be horse/ped again or something entirely unrelated. What happens when you shoot them in the leg until they die? Will it also return head afterwards?
  14. Thanks for the research! That also confirms that they use different ids than on GTA V unfortunately. I had a closer look based on your findings and could map a few bones (mix of peds and horses it seems) and find more ids, although some names appear multiple times with different values. SKEL_ROOT: 0 SKEL_R_Thigh: 6884 reins: 7434 FACIAL_R_LipCorner: 10509 SKEL_R_Finger41: 11300 FACIAL_L_LipCorner: 31911 SKEL_Neck1: 14284 SKEL_Neck2: 14285 SKEL_Neck3: 14286 SKEL_Neck4: 14287 SKEL_Neck5: 14288 SKEL_Spine1: 14411 SKEL_Spine2: 14412 SKEL_Spine3: 14413 SKEL_Spine4: 14414 SKEL_Spine5: 14415 SKEL_R_Finger12: 16749 SKEL_L_Finger32: 16765 SKEL_R_Finger32: 16781 SKEL_L_Finger32: 16829 SKEL_Head: 21030 SKEL_SADDLE: 29245 SKEL_R_SATCHELROOT: 34484 SKEL_L_Finger41: 35876 SKEL_L_Finger12: 41325 SKEL_L_Finger12: 41326 SKEL_L_Finger12: 41405 SKEL_L_Finger32: 41341 SKEL_L_Finger32: 41357 SKEL_R_Calf: 43312 SKEL_L_Forearm: 53675 PH_bridle_attach_L: 53945 PH_L_LipAttach: 53945 PH_bridle_attach_R: 53951 PH_R_LipAttach: 53951 SKEL_R_Forearm: 54187 SKEL_L_CALF: 55120 PH_SaddleHorn: 62111 PH_bridle_wagon_L: 64311 PH_bridle_wagon_R: 64413 SKEL_L_Thigh: 65478 Confirmed Horse: SKEL_ROOT: 0 SKEL_Neck2: 14285 SCALE_Pelvis: 19060 SCALE_Spine1: 38711 SCALE_Spine3: 38713 SPR_L_Saddlebag: 47850 SPR_R_Saddlebag: 50064 SPR_C_BedRoll: 53074
  15. Good to see it's working now! Looking forward to your findings 🙂 I think for most of the bigger bones it will be quite simple but for others, such as the fingers, it could be trickier so I'd recommend starting with the more obvious ones.
  16. I think it is probably a rendering bug if it occurs on lower settings but not on ultra. Unfortunately nothing to do with coding and nothing for you to change via that. You could try the usual stuff like updating your drivers, maybe that helps.
  17. I imagine all of this is possible right now already save for visually reflecting different breeds. But it takes a lot of scripting work.
  18. You would have to create a script calling that function on the game character with the appropriate voice. If you have prior programming experience it should be relatively simple, if not it could be a bit harder. You can check out https://www.mod-rdr.com/wiki/tutorials/ if you are want to learn how you can write your own scripts for the game. And I am not sure how cutscenes work, so cannot say whether it will work. Most likely it will still use the default voices, though.
  19. Could you also include your DrawText function? I am not sure where you got it from. Before calling _DRAW_TEXT you probably also need to "convert" your string to something the game accepts via _CREATE_VAR_STRING which essentially copies your string data to a game-controlled buffer. That should then show the text. As you have said correctly it will only occur for one frame though, so it would be best to loop this function.
  20. What mod manager are you referring to? For script mods to manually install them just copy them to the game folder.
  21. Sure, if you show me what you have so far I will see what I can do.
  22. If you use SET_AMBIENT_VOICE_NOW you should be able to change it. I remember that this caused issues with ped interactions not working correctly, though.
  23. It might be easiest to run GET_PED_LAST_DAMAGE_BONE after you shoot a ped and take your own notes. For the bigger parts the results should hopefully be consistent enough. Would be great if you shared the list if you ever get around to creating one!
  24. Since this is a PS4 question you might have more luck asking it on a forum such as sevensins. This community is rather PC-focused.
  25. If you have some experience with C++ and reverse engineering, I'd suggest you look at the screen effect native and trace that back to the internal function. Set a breakpoint, die in the game and it should hit the function to apply the filter. That way you can probably find the "death effect" code and change the effect or remove it.
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