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  1. Good to see it's working now! Looking forward to your findings 🙂 I think for most of the bigger bones it will be quite simple but for others, such as the fingers, it could be trickier so I'd recommend starting with the more obvious ones.
  2. I think it is probably a rendering bug if it occurs on lower settings but not on ultra. Unfortunately nothing to do with coding and nothing for you to change via that. You could try the usual stuff like updating your drivers, maybe that helps.
  3. I imagine all of this is possible right now already save for visually reflecting different breeds. But it takes a lot of scripting work.
  4. You would have to create a script calling that function on the game character with the appropriate voice. If you have prior programming experience it should be relatively simple, if not it could be a bit harder. You can check out https://www.mod-rdr.com/wiki/tutorials/ if you are want to learn how you can write your own scripts for the game. And I am not sure how cutscenes work, so cannot say whether it will work. Most likely it will still use the default voices, though.
  5. Could you also include your DrawText function? I am not sure where you got it from. Before calling _DRAW_TEXT you probably also need to "convert" your string to something the game accepts via _CREATE_VAR_STRING which essentially copies your string data to a game-controlled buffer. That should then show the text. As you have said correctly it will only occur for one frame though, so it would be best to loop this function.
  6. What mod manager are you referring to? For script mods to manually install them just copy them to the game folder.
  7. Sure, if you show me what you have so far I will see what I can do.
  8. If you use SET_AMBIENT_VOICE_NOW you should be able to change it. I remember that this caused issues with ped interactions not working correctly, though.
  9. It might be easiest to run GET_PED_LAST_DAMAGE_BONE after you shoot a ped and take your own notes. For the bigger parts the results should hopefully be consistent enough. Would be great if you shared the list if you ever get around to creating one!
  10. Since this is a PS4 question you might have more luck asking it on a forum such as sevensins. This community is rather PC-focused.
  11. If you have some experience with C++ and reverse engineering, I'd suggest you look at the screen effect native and trace that back to the internal function. Set a breakpoint, die in the game and it should hit the function to apply the filter. That way you can probably find the "death effect" code and change the effect or remove it.
  12. Perhaps you can check for an animation on either the NPC or the player to see at what stage the lasso-ing is.
  13. If you are looking for all models, please use this file:
  14. I suppose the difference is quite simple where one deals more/less damage and the other means the ped has more health to begin with which might delay hitting a threshold to trigger specific behavior.
  15. That is the name for V more or less (SET_PED_MOVEMENT_CLIPSET), so it probably got renamed/reworked a bit in RDR2. I don't know if such a native has been discovered already unfortunately.
  16. Trying to put it simple: Back in the days of GTA IV all names for native functions were included in in the game's exe file. Over the years and games this has changed quite a bit, with GTA V on console using hashed names instead of the "real" name. Since the hashing scheme on that version was known (it is the very common RAGE hashing scheme jenkins) it was possible to brute force a lot of the names. With GTA V on PC things changed again and R* went for a 64bit hashing scheme now for which the algorithm remains unknown. Furthermore hashes are most likely salted as they have changed between versions to make our lives a bit harder (the official reason being anti cheating more or less but everyone that has joined a public lobby in V knows how well this works). At this point for any new native, it was impossible to verify its original name, so people started guessing/estimating it based on the observed behavior and what other natives in the same code region were doing. These guessed names are often prefaced with a _. We don't know what exactly they do and what their name is, but usually the guesses are quite good. To document them you can try passing some values to them, decompile them, debug them, look at the game scripts etc. whatever works best for you
  17. I would assume it is easiest to override the movement clipset for the peds to achieve a limping effect (it worked reasonably well for V), but I am not sure what has been discovered in that area. As for writhe, perhaps try to use and then make them invincible? Not sure if that works or if the dying is hardcoded afterwards, but might be worth a shot.
  18. I would definitely consider it a mod, so feel free to upload it here too 🙂
  19. It should not matter as they all launch the Rockstar Launcher anyway.
  20. Without having looked at the files, I imagine all it really takes when file modding is available is either replacing singleplayer models with the MP ones or adding the MP horses as new addon horses. A lot of game scripts have hardcoded checks to blacklist MP horses so I think this is a bit cleaner than patching all the scripts.
  21. The latest RDR patch unfortunately broke it.
  22. Player honor can be changed using ped decorators, I think Alexander's trainer has an example for this. Perfect pelt cannot be achieved using natives or globals I think.
  23. Menus are usually drawn using natives such as https://www.mod-rdr.com/nativedb/index/graphics/draw_rect-r1353/ and https://www.mod-rdr.com/nativedb/index/hud/_draw_text-r1623/
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