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emo cat boy

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emo cat boy last won the day on September 14

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    United Kingdom
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  1. yh i also think this is true as with the regular whyems even equipping one item causes the spawning issues instantly whereas there are many other outfit mods such as the man with no name poncho that are larger than anything in whyems but dont cause a spawning issue
  2. this is my load order rampage whyems visuals gun metal rework no auto ammo whyemsdlc merge with JMRP enhanced brawling bloodbath WERO PDO ext animations RWS AB10 content unlocker gun tricks less money smoking dual wield kill children
  3. i prob wont install any other textures or upscales as i like to keep a high fps when i play and the game looks good enough imo.
  4. do you think there would be any benefit to deleting texture files that ik i wont use? as you believed the issue to be with the amount of files loaded by whyems
  5. yh thats what i was thinking caused it, i dont use any other texture mods anyways. but im still sceptical about using it outside of just testing
  6. yh i tested regular whyems earlier today and even with one item equipped i had empty trams and no trains
  7. i also just got arrested and as soon as i left at 6am a train had spawned so my game even with the whyems full outfit is fine
  8. i just did some testing wearing a full outfit from whyems (everything i could possibly equip at once) and trams had passengers at saint denis and the train spawned at valentine between 6-7. i dont have any other texture mods installed.
  9. so far ive only done a small amount of testing but with just the jorango equipped im experiencing no spawn issues or train issues.
  10. also ive seen a couple of people saying rampage causes issue earlier in the thread is this true or was it just people speculating?
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