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  1. It worked so well doing this!!! Problem is the mod dont save the outfit, it cant save any MP element. When you try to load comes nothing, and in .ini files all MP elements are not there written. anyone?
  2. How about a mod to turn off weapon glowing, hate to see trowing knives glowing in npc heads hehe.
  3. RDR2 uses d3d11.dll? Anyone tried or know if RESOREP works as a texture aplication ripper and changer in this game?
  4. Its is possible to spawn one ped clothes, change to arthur head and arthur's status of health and interact normal, only use the body/clothes of then?
  5. Must be on the horse to changes make?
  6. Hi. When I choose Multiplayer component the rings on hands, they apper ok. But when load the outfit the rings are gone. Same issue about mp characters? Could not use then with single player assets?
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