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Mr. Dominator

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    United States
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Mr. Dominator's Achievements


Feller (1/10)



  1. Last I remember, i was using Dutch's revolver without any problems. But i haven't played the game for a few weeks, guess they may have removed this mechanic in the latest update. I'll have to check that out.
  2. Just download RDR 2 trainer by jedijosh. It has that feature. Not only guns but horses of your gang too.
  3. Everyday as more and more amazing mods for this game are released, i think it's a perfect time to ask for a mod where by you can challange all annoying npcs ( I mean anyone) to draw. It would make the game so much more fun. I think this should not be too much to ask for as this feature is already present in the game. Would you guys like to see this?
  4. Please make a mod where by arthur can challenge any npc to a gunslinger duel. I hate annoying npcs, so lets shoot em in the head.
  5. I would love to see a duel anyone mod. Challenging annoying npcs and shooting them in the head
  6. I would love to see a duel anyone mod where by you can antagonise random peds and you duel them. This feature won't require anything new as it can already be done in the base game.
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