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  1. This doesn't even work with blender 3.2.0 (nor 3.2.1 and 3.2.2 obviously), waste of time.
  2. General checklist to make mods and scripts work: - Put your game in Vulkan mode from graphic settings - LML - Scripthook V2 from nexus - Latest .asi loader from ThirteenAG on GitHub - Online content unlocker from nexus, if required by some mods (it's the most updated online content unlocker and doesn't have beggars interaction bug) If you're using DLSStweaks from nexus and the game reverts every time to directx12, use the alternate loader to solve it. In my case the standard dlsstweaks did revert the game to DX12 each time and it would not start due to conflicts with scripthook/any .asi loader (I tried them all)
  3. Man, were did you learn to mod rdr2? Searching for some infos but I only find stuff about scripting events in visual basic
  4. So this never got through in the end? Guess this explains the lack of actual content in the mod scene, wanted to mod the game myself with my models but looks like a dead end
  5. I'd like to know too, I would like to add clothes... from what I understand even after 6 years it's not possible to add new items to the game but just replace or edit existing ones. I was thinking about adding them by adding new 'color variation' slots for existing clothes, but I can't seem to find any info anywhere on the web and biggest mods are unsupported since years
  6. Playing around vanilla, I have to say even the game itself is unstable regarding "entities" (npc, vehicles etc)... I brought a stolen chart up to saint denis, dismounted, walked literally 6 steps in a direction because two dude were screaming, looked behind me and the chart was already gone. Same with random encounters, kill a bunch of people, chase one of em for 15/20 meters, turn back and the bodies already disappeared - to not talk about random bonfires, sometimes you follow the smoke and it disappears along the camp while you're almost there. I think this means the game is at its limit anyway and they put some sort of flush algorithm like that to prevent it from going bonkers, so probably that's why any mod whatsoever can clog the engine and it starts despawning active entities to prevent memory crashes etc... I think our best hope is if Rockstar will release the "next gen" updated they promised, that will probably make the game stable in that regard....
  7. Ok thanks, if I can I'll test after having played for a while so I can notice the differences, the game stopped working again with the ASI loader I was using, so vanilla game it is in any case!
  8. Hey guys, I'm new to the game and as soon as I noticed some annoying stuff I started modding it ahah Checking on google for a problem with the ASI loader (solved) I stumbled on this post, read everything and got worried... Since I just roamed around valentine and did a couple quests I have not a big "experience" about the world and I'm worried I'm gonna ruin the experience without even noticing... Do you think these tools + mods are ok or will break the game? Tools LML (obviously) ASI loader shipped with the scripthook ver 1.0.1491.17 at enbdev (all the others I tried worked the 1st time, but upon restart the rockstar launcher would hang) ScriptHookRDR2 V2 (instead of the 'enbdev' version I used kepmehz one from nexus, just because it's apparently newer and updated by him - the asi loader he provides tho was one of those that wouldn't work) Online Content Unlocker (the lml one from nexus by energidaan, without "version.dll" that I read causes issues to many, needed for smoking complete) Mods Walking Control Complete Smoking Complete Custom First Person FOV Disable Horse Holstering 1.4 Restored PED dialogues I thought they were pretty safe (and very recent) QOL addons, but the Custom FOV one is .ymt and from 2021, so gets me double worried + I read here also the content unlocker can be troublesome From your experience are those ok, or should I remove them and revert back to a vanilla save (which luckily I have)? I wanted to install also the remade gun metals mod but now I refrain PS: while we are at it, since I have a vanilla save and a modded one, I can test something if you need Cheers!
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