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  1. I feel very excited!! You are two so amazing! Thank you two guys! expect 1.4!
  2. Looking forward to your next release. Great man ! thank you !
  3. Thank you HughJanus for making such a great mod, and thank you for your continuous efforts, especially Fitfondue. Thank you for your contribution. I have been looking forward to this mod update. Allow me to talk about some problems I found today when I tested with 1.3a7. q1 This question was mentioned by Fitfondue. When I was shooting with the police, some police officers did not have guns in their hands, but they still had guns. This feels a bit weird, can this be fixed? q2 When I hit a leg of the policeman with a gun, the policeman fell, then stood up and continued to shoot at me, and then I ran away. The policeman chased me or ran away. When the policeman ran after me or ran away, he fell down. and ran two or three steps and fell again, and then repeat this all the time. I don't think this is very reasonable. I think it is possible to set the police to run a little longer and then fall, or how to set it to look more reasonable and more comfortable It would be great if it could be set up that the police slowly dragged their legs or chased me while holding their legs. q3 The police will appear to want to fall but not really fall, which looks strange. Wondering if i can fix it. q4 When I hit the police's two legs, the police would fall, then stand up and continue shooting at me, then the problems mentioned in q3 above would occur. According to what you said before, after hitting two legs, the police will fall down and never stand up again. I wonder if this has something to do with the health value being set too high. q5 When the police or npc falls, he will not stand up again (not really dead). Arthur cannot carry the police. At this time, if the police can be picked up directly, it can only be picked up after using a rope or after the police really die. I think this is possible? Thank you so much for making this great mod, thank you.
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