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@SACYeah adding the marshalls as a configurable option is a good idea. And i think they do have a model name. But i was talking about the general police pedsn really, not just the pinkerton or specific marshals. the one who already pick up the corpse in vanialla should do the trick
@SACany news with the bodies persistence, so far ? PS for the pickup mod you proposed, Could you tweak it so only the dispatched marshals pickup the corpses and not simply other npcs ! I feel that would feel way better in term of immersion. that would absolutely fix the issue i mentioned a few post ago. Now they do have a goal thanks to your mod ! Also i absolutely agree with the idea of having dynamic locations aswell and not just the pig farms in valentine. Thank you for your effort 🙂
@SACVery interesting ! Will take a look at it. Still tweaking the values in the parameters to get the body more persistent but no luck so far.. still very inconsistent. I'm missing something or the engine has set limit that we cannot extend. either way, i'm still testing.
@AfriendoSurprinsigly i tested those values aswell I feel like there's other parameters we must dig more into to be able to achieve consistent persistence. persistence_model_aging.meta i would assume is the one responsible of the decaying of some values related to the corpses ? There atleast 6 stages of decomposition and the last one would be the bones, apparently that one don't despawn, if my theory is correct, try to spawn skeletons or try to get a dead body to decay enough, then see if it's despawning. if it doesn't then we could have clearer answers as to know how to keep bodies in the world but there's one tricky part.. They must age, because some corpses despawn before even entering the decaying stages. scavengerdispatchmanagertunables.meta seems interesting, possibly any events that occurs with the bodies, vultures phase etc ? I'm taking a wild guess here.. persistence_model_aging.meta > Related to the decaying system ? Considering it's name, haven't digged into it just yet we should make sure to increase the ped pool just incase
@AfriendoI did tested a bunch of values aswell. I may help you testing more and more values as we dig the parameters. mind if we add one another in discord so we can get the job done faster ? I also bumped up the ped limit, now more corpses are definitely staying around much longer. Some still despawn after a reload. I'm not too sure but i may have found why some corpses do despawn faster than the others. when you loot a corpse, my take is that, the game flag them as unnecessary and tend to despawn them faster than the one who aren't looted yet. Also the horses seems to stay much longer when alive. They however despawn in a similar fashion than the dead corpses. Objects and any other mobile cars definitely stay persistent. I'm trying to find the values related for the blood pools, stains and whatnot. Still currently digging. I'm definitely sure the persistence system we're looking for is achievable Here's my discord : 𝕵𝖔𝖓⚡#1998
@HughJanusI have changed the disarmhandsup chance to 0 was previously set to 100. It's not happening anymore now. However, i'd like to say, it doesn't happen all the time when i have it bumped to 100. It seems something is triggering it, like pointing at the downed NPC , I'm not too sure yet. but what you suggested fixed the issue. about the longer running, i tried to bump up the health and they still collapse a few seconds after they run away. Is the ASI you provided fixes this ? Lastly i also tweaked the dismemberment to be much longer, however they stop to audibly react to it. is there a way to tweak the audio aswell so it loops more often ?
@HughJanusI'm not sure if anyone reported it yet but i've been having issues with the brawl. it happned more than once but when i knockdown an npc with a weapon, they often get back up with their arms up (surrender feature ) just like that, instantly. once they are knocked down again it doesn't happen anymore however. i'm using the standard 2.0 beta version. any chace what causes this? Also which parameters that is responsbile of longer laster dismemberment reaction ? and how can i increase the time of when an npc is running while being in a neck shot dying state ? I tried to use longerbleedout but they still do collapse a few seconds after the shot, i assume it's another parameter
Looking forward to that aswell, the advanced persistence from nexusmomd is somewhat.. very unpredictable, it keeps track of everything apparently but not everything is sadly kept. Corpses sillt despawn after passing a certain radius or leaving the area, blood stains do despawn aswell although this mod seems to make them last longer https://www.nexusmods.com/reddeadredemption2/mods/1154 but increase the blood pools in a very unrealistic way. that would be nice to just work on a mod from scratch that increase drastically the persistence of entities, objects, blood, etc in the world. everything despawn so quickly maybe unlocking the decaying system of corpses, i know it's a feature ingame and can be achived if you wait enough like seen in this video. I think the 2 last stages ( dried bodies and skeletons) are locked behind events such as if it's raining or if the corpse is within water. i'm not too sure. that would be cool to find any files related to those to maybe work on something more consistent with the decaying system and not dependent ( if it is ) to the weather. That way we can have a more dynamic way of getting read of entities tracked and the world would clean itself that way instead of just despawing everything Also the lawmens do get the corpses on their horses sometimes so it's a way R* added to get rid of the entities in a more fashion way. Though if we follow them, they're just endlessly roaming the map with no real purposes
@HughJanus @fitfondue Do you think it's possible to make npc's survive dismemberment without OpenIV ? It would be nice to see npcs survive arms/hands dismemberment but i believe this would requires a new layer of behavior by adding animations ( For realism and immersion purposes) especially if legs are being dismembered ( crawling animations + bleeding effect ) I also have 2 features in mind : Feature 1 : Being able to force a surrender for the player at any wanted levels, depending of the situation. I know for a matter of fact that the player do can surrender if the wanted level is low. (hands up animation, you can enter into a dead eye mode during this event) Here's a video that shows the process features 2 if it's possible to implement without openIV Is it possible to extend the duration of decayed npc's/animals within an area ( and or expand the area where that event is occuring ) ? I've checked and npc do enter into decaying process (Following multiple stages of decomposition layer and eventually turn into skeletons/piles of bones) after a few days but this is so rare that it doesn't happen all the time PS : i'm not sure 100% if it has an effect but npc's decaying under water seems to decompose way faster than on lands. I'll also leave a YT link in here in case people didn't know Thank you for reading me ! And excellent mod ! As always. I keep coming back and forth to this mod page and i see new stuff being added/fixed. Glad to see that ! Keep on keeping on 🙂
It seems rockstar hasn't coded something in this particular case to be honest. the other npcs would react the same they would do with knocked npc, but there's probably line of code that tells whenever an npc is under the stun effect, which will trigger the other npcs to react. So we would probably need openvi to make them react with wounded npcs and so on imo For example what bother me are the lawmens, when they take the bodies out. if you chase them, you'll find out pretty quickly that they have no real ovjectives. infact they would abandon the bodies on their horses and do nothing about it. For example, there's an event in armadillo where an npc takes the actual corpses in a wagon and throw them out in a pit. This could be a good hint of such behavior we could possibly have with openvi but again, i'm not sure. so i can't confirm you do can knock out people in vanilla, and they would just get back up and return to their hobbies @steeljacket488 However, i'm not sure if with open iv we'll be able to implement behaviors but if that's the case, then the possibilities are infinite. The thing the mod does is that it adds several state to the npcs when they're downed. they can be under a dying treshold, they can bleed to death, or they can be knocked getting new behaviors for the wounded npcs would makes a lot more sense. it wouldn't make sense to see a wounded npc, getting back up, without any side effect, they would just get back up like normal knocked npcs. If that makes sense. For example one of the greatest feature this mod does, "is the push to bones reaction" to simulate a sort of pain gesture ? right now i think it's not well tested so we don't actually know what preset is best but it's definitely a great feature to extend later on, if the author is ready for it. But i'm sure that with openvi, forcing an animation on npcs would does the job too, i don't know if there're any animations that simulates that, but i surely know that i've seen some from the cutscenes. Now i don't know if we can use those for ingame purposes
I have no idea really, i'm.waiting aswell but i suppose it's gonna take some time. Right now openIV can open some files but you can't edit them. But like HughJanus said, we'll need to wait for a full support And considering we got it in 2019 iirc, i guess we're going to get a full release this year. But that's just me. I can't really tell @Drokmar