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BloodXIII last won the day on October 5 2023

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    United States

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  1. Alright, update. It is NOT Rampage Trainer. And it's not ANY mods so far as I can tell. I'm able to perfectly replicate the error 100% of the time in the exact same span of a few meters, and that's when riding through the little farm directly under the A in New Hanover, going into the Heartland Overflow. I have set every last graphical setting as low as it can be, tried both Vulkan and DX12, none of it makes a lick of difference. Literally every single time I ride though that exact spot it results in a "Unknown error FFFFFFF" message box, and when I click "OK" it crashes to desktop.
  2. I'm also getting this error. The game was working perfectly fine for six straight hours on a fresh install, and now suddenly it seems to happen about 6-7 minutes into playing almost consistently, and even more consistently whenever I ride through a bush. I have ZERO idea what changed, and the only mods I have installed are all relatively light and have no known conflicts... Not that it matters since deleting them one at a time changed NOTHING. The only thing I can figure is that it's somehow the fault of Rampage Trainer, since initially when I installed that mod and used it just to give myself the Ultimate Edition content, the older saves I had would immediately hard crash the game upon trying to load them manually; No error code, just straight to desktop. Only the most recent saves would work every single time. Doing a fresh install of the game right now to see if that somehow helps, guess I'll get back with info on that soon
  3. It can be wildly infuriating at times to have the game not allowing me to study an animal, despite said animal taking up a not insignificant amount of the screen. It feels like someone at R* has a personal vendetta against birdwatching hobbyists, because you look at that sort of footage and there's a bird that's barely visible they'll still tell you 20 things about that specific bird, but in this game I can be zoomed in fully with binoculars and have the bird clearly visible and defined on the screen to such a degree that I can tell what it is as a player but it's not 'good enough' for the game's distance measure.
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