So I'm pretty new at this, and I've literally spent two days attempting the NPCTaxi mod tutorial with very little success. Here's where I'm at.
There are two versions of the NPCTaxi file; empty and source. They both have an included RagePluginHook2.dll library. However, the empty version doesn't work correctly; Game doesn't contain a definition for WasKeyJustPressed(), so if you follow along with the tutorial, it won't work. It seems obvious that I should be using the RagePluginHook2.dll from the NPCTaxi source file, because that seems the most updated (i.e., Game has the correct definitions). However, I haven't been able to find a version of the Rage Plugin Hook that works with that (updated) library.
So far I've downloaded the latest RAGE Plugin Hook v2.97 (RDR2), I've downloaded the bundled version with RDRFR, I've tried them both with every variation of version.dll and Scripthook I can think of, and nothing really works. The best I've got is using RAGE Plugin Hook v2.97 (RDR2) and the old library from the empty version of NPCTaxi, which causes the Plugin Hook to load correctly in RDR2, and NPCTaxi (just the basic title and hello message) to display. However, targeting PED's, returning a keypress, killing them...nothing works.
So I'm looking for whatever is the current "correct" version of Rage Plugin Hook 2, along with an updated RagePluginHook2.dll library (specifically that has the Game definitions like WasKeyJustPressed, I guess, or that isn't so old I have to use the TempApi), so I can finally make progress on the tutorial. I've read pretty much everything I can find and I'm pretty stuck, so any help is appreciated. Thanks.