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Everything posted by HughJanus

  1. I have never tried it with rage hook, but the mod might not work with that. I remember reading some threads where people said some methods would not work the way they did with ABs script hook (dont know if it applies to any methods used in this mod, though).
  2. We're working on it. Hopefully we can implement it in our next version.
  3. @Shtivi Thanks for responding. After reading what you said, I took a second look at your github repo and saw that half of the classes and libraries are for the missions themselves. When I first looked at it, I didnt really look at the file names and just scrolled to see if I even had the time to look through all this and gave up :D What I did now is just look through one of your mission files and it is really easy to read. Thanks for explaining!
  4. Looks good! But youre right - if every added house would look that new, it would surely not fit into the world.
  5. Ugh, sounds tedious^^ Nice that you put the work in, though. Thumbs up for you!
  6. 3 days?? Do you have to build them plank by plank?
  7. So I found this method in the native database: SET_FACIAL_IDLE_ANIM_OVERRIDE Is this the same as "PLAY_FACIAL_ANIM" in GTA 5? How can it be used? Does anyone have information on facial animations? I would be interested in "normal" (non-facial) animations as well.
  8. HughJanus


    What do all those SET_PED_CAN_XXX_IK do? Edit: I read somewhere a few months ago that IK means that the ragdoll/model interacts with things (so e.g. a foot is placed on a step -> if the foot only touches the step with its toes, the rest of the foot will move downwards touching the step below while the toes are still on the step above...if that makes sense?).
  9. Why setting the player model to the target ped model? Cant you just clone the target ped and remove the old one? Or am I missing something?
  10. Yes, otherwise you dont have the files on your PC through which you want to look^^
  11. I am not a professional coder, so maybe you can shed some light into my darkness 😄 I never understood why simple mods like the "Gunshot Wound" mod for GTA 5, for example, used a whole load of different classes just so the main script could be 5 lines long. When I started scripting in February, I had a hard time reading through all the source code I looked at, since people splitted it up unnecessarily. I understand why you need a factory class for objects you need more often, for example. But I dont get why there have to be a hundred classes for every hair you move on character. Thats why I decided to put all my code into one main file, hoping it would be easier and quicker for others to read, in case they wanted to make similar mods (thats what I hope for, at least^^). Could you explain to me, why you guys decided to make three dozen classes? Is it for the teamwork, so you can split things up more easily?
  12. The log seems OK (though mine looks a bit different). Performance-wise our systems are not that far apart: Ryzen 7 2700 X GTX 1080 32 GB RAM SSD Win 10 I get 50fps with my mix of mid/high/ultra settings (just tested in Saint Denis) and when I spawn 30 NPCs with the native trainer and look at the difference of mod enabled/disabled, the impact is 1-2 fps (if measureable at all). I have absolutely no idea what tanks your fps that bad. Maybe it has something to do with the RTX cards? Do you have any of that enabled? (thats just a completely wild guess into the blue) What you could try is disabling stuff in the ini and see if it changes anything for you. Set all the chances to 0 and disable everything you can, see if that changes anything.
  13. The script iterates through all NPCs and applies stuff like stumbling or bleeding, so of course its based on working with NPCs. Yet it should not have that much of a performance impact. What are your specs? Do you have a laptop or tower PC?
  14. Safe houses are cool and all, but what crossed my mind when I saw the map mod is (SPOILERS!): But I havent messed with the map editor yet and also have I not messed with blips or placing new NPCs. I suppose its no sorcery, though.
  15. What is in the asiloader text file you have in your directory? Also what does the rampage.asi do?
  16. I have answered in your thread. Short answer: we (in the "development team") have no fps issues and none of the kind have been reported here for a long time, if I remember correctly.
  17. Hey @joshmcdanie1s , in the early days of testing it was reported by one guy that in combination with a trainer (I dont remember which) he got some fps problems. Could you try using the mod without the trainer and check if that solves your issue? Just for clarification: the fps issue was never reported since, but we also didnt do anything to fix it (since we could not reproduce the problem).
  18. Do you use the pro version or is such a thing possible with the free version of IDA too?
  19. How did you find the pattern? Do you do something like cheat engine does and try to catch the re-occuring pattern while shooting?
  20. @LMS Could you share your code (hit markers and bullet trails)? I am not gonna use it, just curious how you would do it without natives but using an asi file.
  21. Hm, I don't think its possible without OpenIV 😕
  22. A while back I found those "relationship groups" in the natives (there are some methods around relationship groups). Could it be a solution to add the NPCs to a group which would not give any penalties when killed? Maybe @LMS knows more about those functions?
  23. Oh, I must have misread your post. Sorry.
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