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PropaneLahey47 last won the day on March 7 2023

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  1. Okay so I just tested it out, deleting the whole line of code for the Outfit you want to remove works perfect. No need to re-number anything, just delete the all parts of the Outfit's code I.e. [Outfit9] Name=Brown Leather IsMp=False IsFemale=False Components=0x987C359D:0x44E21C90, 0xACFEB785:0x5784975E.... Delete those 5 lines and reload the setting and your outfit will be gone. I should have done this 15 mins ago instead of posting my dumb question lol
  2. Thank you so much for the reply, I've had the issue both with and without using Euphoria mods, however I believe my issue was altering the DyingMovementThreshold2 and DyingMovementThreshold values too much, as I was trying to get them to to stay on the ground in the "(still moving on the ground)" state more frequently, rather than the DyingThreshold effect (lying on the ground not moving). I decided to just set the ini. back to default and the results are better than before. Still, thank you so much for getting back to me and I appreciate you taking the time to do so.
  3. Mod's working nice, I'm just seeing how to delete my saved outfits. I've made a few duplicates and was wondering how to delete them. I see the outfits listed in the ini. file as "[Outfit3] Name=Robbery", "[Outfit4] Name=Summer Green" and so on. My concern about deleting it through the ini. file is that the Outfits are in numerical order by date of creation, and if the Outfit number is out if order it might crash the mod. I just don't want to have to go and re-number all the Outfits in the ini. just to delete 1. I could be overthinking this, but I was just wondering if anyone had a similar situation.
  4. I'm dying to find out if anyone has found a way to make enemies consistently wriggle on the ground when they get shot 1-3 times, instead of them almost always just lying there like they're dead already. If anyone either has a config or knows what to specifically tweak in the ini file, I'd be so appreciative of it. I tried with and without euphoria mods so idc if i need to install/uninstall them get it to work.
  5. I haven't installed this mod yet, but I can confirm that I've had PDO work normally without the Trainer. I used the PDO Standard version as apposed to the Light or Overhaul ones, so maybe it depends which you're using? Sorry if its not a solution, I literally just made this account to let u know that PDO should work without the Trainer lol
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