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  1. Can you drop a link?
  2. So RDR Offline and WhyEms dlc are just not loading in my game. I have properly installed them but they just doesn't work. Does somebody know some mods that are in conflict or maybe a solution? I tried to overwrite them and still no result. If anybody knows,please lemme know! ❤️
  3. Oh damn. Like I just deleted all my mods because RDO wasn t working anymore, WhyEMs DLC wasn't working anymore, for some reason I didn t have screen effects no more and it was just a total mess I didn t know which caused conflict and I just deleted all of them and maybe if I did that I'll try RDR Online or maybe I ll just leave some mods because I had almost 100 installed :))
  4. I am actually using it. But the problem seems to be when a lot of resources are loading so more of an VRAM problem I think When I get near a city that has a lot of resources like saint denis or valentine it s crashing my game. So far when I entered strawberry or armadillo the game was just fine. I don t actually know if this is the problem but thanks for the help I will try to remove the mod and see❤️
  5. So I don't really know what to say,it's just that I enter Valentine and then I just get a crash,have anyone experienced this and knows how to help? ❤️
  6. But now there s another problem,so the save was broken because I saved in valentine and now when I enter valentine it crashes my game this is really strange
  7. I cannot actually believe this. It was one of my saves that was causing it. Omg I can t believe it,I just deleted that save.
  8. So there are my most recent installed mods
  9. So my game is crashing when I load up singleplayer. After maybe 40 seconds I receive,,unknown error, FFFFFFF''. Anything that can help me out? I need to mention that I have mods installed. If anyone knows any possible reason and a solve to this please help me out I don t really know what to do. 🙏🏻❤️
  10. Hi! My game keeps crashing and I don t know if it's because of a mod, the game was doing just fine then a mod gave me an error, I deleted that mod,renter again,saved the game,then it gave me another crash and since then my game keeps crashing when I load singleplayer,I just don t know what to do anymore. I m trying to fix this for like maybe 4 hours and no solution,I tried deleting dinput8.dll but no solution,even a couple of mods and nothing really fixes it .What can I do or how can I find some logs where I can see if a mod is causing this?
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