Hi dear fellow modders!
Has anyone found out yet, how to create a blip for an entity or on a Vector3 (RagePluginHook)?
I found the hashes for the sprites in the ScriptHookRDRDotNet_API:
public enum BlipSprite : uint
Dominoes = 0x9D9FE583,
DominoesAllFives = 0xFD189BDE,
DominosAllThrees = 0xA1C2EBE4,
FiveFingerFillet = 0x75B54B90,
FiveFingerFilletGuts = 0x7869CF4,
FiveFingerFilletBurnout = 0x3C88E424,
Poker = 0x4A2357A9,
SaddleBag = 0xB0E5E617,
Doctor = 0x984E7CA9,
EatingUtensils = 0x37BEBE4E,
DonateToCamp = 0x8B7E38C4,
ObjectiveChore = 0xDDFBA6AB,
Ammunition = 0x5DF6DEBD,
HealthSupplies = 0xD68D851B,
Provisions = 0x919BC110,
SmallBlackDot = 0x4ECB0761,
Wheel = 0x3C5469D5,
Stranger = 0x935EE440,
Drinking = 0x4A0E7F51,
HuntingGrounds = 0x1DCFAA8C,
Fishing = 0xA216510E,
MoneyWheel = 0xD4859AFE,
Bank = 0x25249A47,
Herd = 0x193BD50E,
CaravanCamp = 0xA0417C98,
HomeRobbery = 0x1A7A040D
In the NativeDB under MAP there is also the native function for setting the Blip's sprite, but I'm not sure how to call it in my project:
void SET_BLIP_SPRITE( Blip blip, Hash hash, BOOL p2 ) //0x74F74D3207ED525C
I want to achieve having a permanent blip on a Ped and a temporary Blip on a location, that get's deleted once you're there; mainly like the GPS routes for missions.
If anyone knows something and feels like sharing it, I would very much appreciate it 🙂