This horse isn't named in-game, and normally you can't study it. Its information shows it as a Splashed White American Paint, but it's more like a 'Splashed Buckskin' in colour.
This horse doesn't appear anywhere in-game that I know of, so it appears to be a hidden or unused variant. It looks like an inverse Few Spot Appaloosa - black with white spots instead of white with black spots.
Outfits 1, 5 and 6 are the American Red Fox.
Outfit 2 is the American Grey Fox.
Outfit 3 is the Silver Fox.
Outfit 4 is the Legendary Fox.
Outfit 7 is a mangy variant.
Outfits 1, 3 and 4 are the Rocky Mountain Cow Elk.
Outfit 2 is the Legendary Elk.
Outfits 5, 6 and 7 are the Rocky Mountain Bull Elk.
Outfit 8 is the mangy variant.