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Modding Wiki

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RDR2 Player Clothes Database

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RDR2 Ped Model Database

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LML User Contributions

Everything posted by LeftLenny'sLasso

  1. Does this mod work now with Red Dead Offline?
  2. Does anyone else use Pimp My Horse? And if so, is it broken for you when using this mod?
  3. Any chance you could add the Hand of God grips from 3:10 to Yuma?
  4. Great mod, but I am not able to equip the burl wood grips on the navy revolver in game, and the suggested fix does not work. Is there another fix? Also the eagle grips for the cattleman revolver and the skull grips for the double action revolver have disappeared from the customization menu.
  5. The plugin keeps crashing. Tried both manually loading it and load it on start up, both failed.
  6. Is there anyway to add the Lancaster repeater to the weapon list?
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