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Bequivocal last won the day on May 19 2022

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    United States

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  1. Yup you should be good to go! Happy to help, have fun 😄
  2. I think that 'version' of this mod just has that changed in the .ini file already.
  3. You can use this and CERR with no issues 🙂 Per the readme for CERR it says:
  4. Hi Hugh. First off I want to say thank you and awesome work on the mod. Much appreciated and should have been part of the game to begin with. I made an account just to make this post. Found another issue with an NPC. 'Stranger' in the act 2 end quest "A Strange Kindness" bugged out for me and didn't want to get on my horse (he is tied up at the start so maybe it's related to that). He would stand there and cower until I got a distance away and he would start running. When he finally did get on my horse after corralling him for a while he would get on and off repeatedly most of the way until I got to the destination. Near the end he did finally stay on my horse but during the ending cutscene my game crashed. I suspected it was this mod so I removed it real quick and was able to complete the mission with no issue. I used rampage to grab a screenshot with the debug gun. Not sure if that is helpful/has the same number you get from your debug output but that wasn't enabled at the time obviously. I can go back and use that or provide a save if needed. And I am using the most current version that you posted on page 40 of these comments. Hope this helps. Thanks again for the awesome mod and all the support you provide.
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