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  1. Will it be possible to make a mod for more stable slots now when openiv is out? (Sorry for bad english) /WeirdoChicken
  2. Is there any chance that you could add a feature that let you keep more horses? More stable slots? Would be very much appreciated!
  3. I agree! A mod that allows you to have more horses would be amazing!
  4. Amazing mod! Is there any chance you could add a feature that allows us to keep more horses? Maybe more stable slots or that bonded/temporary horses doesn't despawn? So you can hitch or just "park" a horse somewhere and they don`t disappear. It would be amazing to be able to keep more then 4 horses and one temporary.
  5. I would love to see a mod that allows you to keep more horses/more stable space. 4 stable slots is far to little.
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