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288 natives in namespace MISC


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  2. void _SAVE_BENCHMARK_RECORDING ()  //0xF4743E2ECC02B3DA

    • 0
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  3. void _SET_DISPATCH_MAX_SPAWN_DISTANCE ( float maxSpawnDistance )  //0x89314FB3463E28DE

    • 0
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  4. void _SET_DISPATCH_MIN_SPAWN_DISTANCE ( float minSpawnDistance )  //0x27A1B170AA8AF84C

    • 0
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    • 1207
  5. void _SET_GAME_LOGIC_PAUSED ()  //0x550F05CFFBD63C8C

    • 0
    • 131
    • 1232
  6. void _SET_GLOBAL_BLOCK_IS_LOADED ( int index, BOOL toggle )  //0xE97240065406CB80

    • 0
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  7. void _SET_INCIDENT_UNK ( int incidentId )  //0x9617B6E5F6537B63

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  8. void _SET_OVERRIDE_WEATHER ( Hash weatherType )  //0xBE83CAE8ED77A94F

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  9. void _SET_RAIN_LEVEL ( float intensity )  //0x193DFC0526830FD6

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  10. void _SET_SNOW_LEVEL ( float level )  //0xF6BEE7E80EC5CA40

    • 0
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  11. void _SET_WEATHER_TYPE_2 ( Hash weatherType, int p1, int p2, int p3, BOOL p4 )  //0x2C6A07AF9AEDABD8

    • 0
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  12. void _SET_WEATHER_TYPE_FROZEN ( BOOL toggle )  //0xD74ACDF7DB8114AF

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  13. void _SET_WEATHER_TYPE_TRANSITION ( Hash weatherHash1, Hash weatherHash2, float percentWeather2, BOOL p3 )  //0xFA3E3CA8A1DE6D5D

    • 0
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  14. void _SET_WEATHER_VARIATION ( const char* weatherType, const char* variation )  //0x3373779BAF7CAF48

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  15. BOOL _SHOULD_USE_24_HOUR_CLOCK ()  //0x0177CF20345F44DD

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    • 0
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  19. void _START_BENCHMARK_RECORDING ()  //0x29D1F6DF864A094E

    • 0
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  20. void _STOP_BENCHMARK_RECORDING ()  //0xB89AEC71AFF2B599

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  22. float ABSF ( float value )  //0x134549B388167CBF

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  23. int ABSI ( int value )  //0x0C214D5B8A38C828

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  24. float ACOS ( float p0 )  //0x586690F0176DC575

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  25. void ACTION_MANAGER_ENABLE_ACTION ( Hash hash, BOOL enable )  //0x7ACF124C12A2B045

    • 1
    • 393
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  26. int ADD_POP_MULTIPLIER_AREA ( float x1, float y1, float z1, float x2, float y2, float z2, float pedDensity, float trafficDensity, BOOL p8, BOOL p9 )  //0x5EBDA1A3B8CB5EF7

    • 0
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  27. void ADD_TACTICAL_NAV_MESH_POINT ( float x, float y, float z, int p3 )  //0xE4EE55E63FA9AF45

    • 0
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  28. BOOL ARE_STRINGS_EQUAL ( const char* string1, const char* string2 )  //0xD3852F22AB713A1F

    • 0
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  29. float ASIN ( float p0 )  //0x6E3C15D296C15583

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  30. float ATAN ( float p0 )  //0x503054DED0B78027

    • 0
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  31. float ATAN2 ( float p0, float p1 )  //0x965B220A066E3F07

    • 0
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  32. void BLOCK_DISPATCH_SERVICE_RESOURCE_CREATION ( int dispatchService, BOOL toggle )  //0x66947E61A44DE2C6

    • 0
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  33. void CLEAR_ANGLED_AREA_OF_VEHICLES ( Any p0, Any p1, Any p2, Any p3, Any p4, Any p5, Any p6, Any p7 )  //0xA4D83115C1E02F8A

    • 0
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  34. void CLEAR_AREA ( float x, float y, float z, float radius, int flag )  //0x3B882A96EA77D5B1

    • 0
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  35. void CLEAR_BIT ( int* address, int offset )  //0x7D1D4A3602B6AD4E

    • 0
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  36. void CLEAR_OVERRIDE_WEATHER ()  //0x80A398F16FFE3CC3

    • 0
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  37. void CLEAR_TACTICAL_NAV_MESH_POINTS ()  //0xD93B6516C6878267

    • 0
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  38. void CLEAR_WEATHER_TYPE_PERSIST ()  //0xD85DFE5C131E4AE9

    • 0
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  39. int COMPARE_STRINGS ( const char* str1, const char* str2, BOOL matchCase, int maxLength )  //0xBFBB74A15EFC149B

    • 0
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  40. BOOL CREATE_INCIDENT ( int dispatchService, float x, float y, float z, int numUnits, float radius, int* outIncidentID, Any p7, Any p8 )  //0x3F892CAF67444AE7

    • 0
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  41. void DELETE_INCIDENT ( int incidentId )  //0x5CFD0F0D6AAE0AEE

    • 0
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  42. void DISABLE_LOOTING_COMPOSITE_LOOTABLE_THIS_FRAME ( int compositeId, BOOL p1 )  //0x40D72189F46D2E15

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  43. void DISPLAY_ONSCREEN_KEYBOARD ( int textType, const char* windowTitle, const char* p2, const char* defaultText, const char* defaultConcat1, const char* defaultConcat2, const char* defaultConcat3, int maxInputLength )  //0x044131118D8DB3CD

    • 0
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  44. BOOL DOES_POP_MULTIPLIER_AREA_EXIST ( int id )  //0x03BA619C81A646B3

    • 0
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  45. void ENABLE_DISPATCH_SERVICE ( int dispatchService, BOOL toggle )  //0x50E52637EF70EF77

    • 0
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  46. void FIRE_SINGLE_BULLET ( Any* args )  //0xCBC9A21F6A2A679C

    • 0
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  47. void FORCE_LIGHTNING_FLASH ()  //0x369DB5B2510FA080

    • 0
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  48. BOOL GAME_FRAMEWORK_MANAGER_INIT ( Hash transitionMode )  //0x4CABE596D632E4B0

    • 0
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  49. float GET_ANGLE_BETWEEN_2D_VECTORS ( float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2 )  //0xD0DFE1C486097BBB

    • 0
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  50. int GET_BITS_IN_RANGE ( int var, int rangeStart, int rangeEnd )  //0x68E1352AF48F905D

    • 0
    • 190
    • 1207

Red Dead Redemption 2 Native Database by www.mod-rdr.com, includes contributions by gudmunduro and alloc8or.

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