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288 natives in namespace MISC

  1. BOOL IS_STRING_NULL_OR_EMPTY ( const char* string )  //0x2CF12F9ACF18F048

    • 0
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  2. BOOL IS_STRING_NULL_OR_EMPTY_OR_SPACES ( const char* string )  //0x375F5870A7B8BEC1

    • 0
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  3. BOOL ARE_STRINGS_EQUAL ( const char* string1, const char* string2 )  //0xD3852F22AB713A1F

    • 0
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  4. BOOL _DOES_STRING_EXIST_IN_STRING ( const char* string1, const char* string2 )  //0x9382D5D43D2AA6FF

    • 0
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  5. void _0x3C3C7B1B5EC08764 ()  //0x3C3C7B1B5EC08764

    • 0
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  6. Any _0x94E8CA3DEE952789 ( Any p0, Any p1 )  //0x94E8CA3DEE952789

    • 0
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  7. Any _0x5B4A8121A47D844D ( Any p0 )  //0x5B4A8121A47D844D

    • 0
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  8. BOOL STRING_TO_INT ( const char* string, int* outInteger )  //0xF2DD2298B3AF23E2

    • 0
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  9. void _INT_TO_STRING ( int value, const char* format, char* buffer )  //0xCF11C0CEB40C401B

    • 0
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  10. void _0x74ACA66484CEBAF0 ( Any p0 )  //0x74ACA66484CEBAF0

    • 0
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  11. void _0x49C44FE78A135A1D ( Any p0 )  //0x49C44FE78A135A1D

    • 0
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  12. const char* _GET_STRING_FROM_FLOAT ( float value, int digits )  //0x2B6846401D68E563

    • 0
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  13. const char* _GET_STRING_FROM_VECTOR ( float x, float y, float z )  //0x6C4DBF553885F9EB

    • 0
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  14. const char* _GET_STRING_FROM_BOOL ( BOOL value )  //0xF216F74101968DB0

    • 0
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  15. const char* VAR_STRING ( int flags, const char* textTemplate, ...  )  //0xFA925AC00EB830B9

    • 0
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  16. const char* _CREATE_COLOR_STRING ( int rgb )  //0xBCC2CFADEA1AEA6C

    • 0
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  17. void SET_BITS_IN_RANGE ( int* var, int rangeStart, int rangeEnd, int p3 )  //0x324DC1CEF57F31E6

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  18. int GET_BITS_IN_RANGE ( int var, int rangeStart, int rangeEnd )  //0x68E1352AF48F905D

    • 0
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  19. void SET_GAME_PAUSED ( BOOL toggle )  //0xFAEC088D28B1DE4A

    • 0
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  20. void SET_THIS_SCRIPT_CAN_BE_PAUSED ( BOOL toggle )  //0x3215376E79F6EA18

    • 0
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  22. void SET_CHEAT_ACTIVE ( int cheatId )  //0xD4958E8CF0DE0DD0

    • 0
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  23. void _0xB711EB4BC8D06013 ()  //0xB711EB4BC8D06013

    • 0
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  24. void POPULATE_NOW ()  //0xEA6DC3A8ADD2005F

    • 0
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    • 0
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  26. BOOL _QUEUE_SAVEGAME_OPERATION ( int p0 )  //0x279B0696DA4657EB

    • 0
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  27. BOOL _0x1B065A2BF7953815 ( BOOL p0 )  //0x1B065A2BF7953815

    • 0
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  28. Any _0x6C7B68D3CE60E8DE ( Any p0 )  //0x6C7B68D3CE60E8DE

    • 0
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  29. Any _0x627B68D9CE6EE8DE ( Any p0 )  //0x627B68D9CE6EE8DE

    • 0
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  30. Any _0x7CF96F1250EF3221 ( Any p0 )  //0x7CF96F1250EF3221

    • 0
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  31. void _COPY_MEMORY ( Any* dst, Any* src, int size )  //0xF7AC7DC0DEE7C9BE

    • 0
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  32. void ENABLE_DISPATCH_SERVICE ( int dispatchService, BOOL toggle )  //0x50E52637EF70EF77

    • 0
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  33. void BLOCK_DISPATCH_SERVICE_RESOURCE_CREATION ( int dispatchService, BOOL toggle )  //0x66947E61A44DE2C6

    • 0
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  34. BOOL CREATE_INCIDENT ( int dispatchService, float x, float y, float z, int numUnits, float radius, int* outIncidentID, Any p7, Any p8 )  //0x3F892CAF67444AE7

    • 0
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  35. BOOL _CREATE_INCIDENT_WITH_ENTITIES ( int dispatchService, float x, float y, float z, ItemSet itemSet, float radius, int* outIncidentID )  //0xAB3D3F45436DB1D8

    • 0
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  36. void DELETE_INCIDENT ( int incidentId )  //0x5CFD0F0D6AAE0AEE

    • 0
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  37. BOOL IS_INCIDENT_VALID ( int incidentId )  //0x39F2B1BAD412246A

    • 0
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  38. void _SET_INCIDENT_UNK ( int incidentId )  //0x9617B6E5F6537B63

    • 0
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  39. int ADD_POP_MULTIPLIER_AREA ( float x1, float y1, float z1, float x2, float y2, float z2, float pedDensity, float trafficDensity, BOOL p8, BOOL p9 )  //0x5EBDA1A3B8CB5EF7

    • 0
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  40. BOOL DOES_POP_MULTIPLIER_AREA_EXIST ( int id )  //0x03BA619C81A646B3

    • 0
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  41. void REMOVE_POP_MULTIPLIER_AREA ( int id, BOOL p1 )  //0x88CB484364EFB37A

    • 0
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  42. Any _0x3233C4EC0514C7EC ( Volume volume, float pedDensity, float vehicleDensity, int p3, int p4 )  //0x3233C4EC0514C7EC

    • 0
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    • 0
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  44. void _REMOVE_POP_MULTIPLIER_AREA_FOR_VOLUME ( Volume volume, int p1 )  //0xBD090F5B1DB82189

    • 0
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  45. void _0xF569E33FB72ED28E ()  //0xF569E33FB72ED28E

    • 0
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  46. void RESET_DISPATCH_IDEAL_SPAWN_DISTANCE ()  //0xC7817264BC4B6377

    • 0
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  47. void SET_DISPATCH_IDEAL_SPAWN_DISTANCE ( float fIdealSpawnDistance )  //0xEAB6823B82FBD283

    • 0
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  48. void _RESET_DISPATCH_MIN_SPAWN_DISTANCE ()  //0x96498D922D8D0D0A

    • 0
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  49. void _SET_DISPATCH_MIN_SPAWN_DISTANCE ( float minSpawnDistance )  //0x27A1B170AA8AF84C

    • 0
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    • 0
    • 195
    • 1207

Red Dead Redemption 2 Native Database by www.mod-rdr.com, includes contributions by gudmunduro and alloc8or.

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