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269 natives in namespace ENTITY

  1. void SET_ENTITY_CAN_BE_DAMAGED_BY_RELATIONSHIP_GROUP ( Entity entity, BOOL bCanBeDamaged, int relGroup )  //0x0EF1AFB18649E015

    • 0
    • 2,784
    • 1207
  2. Vector3 GET_ENTITY_COORDS ( Entity entity, BOOL alive, BOOL realCoords )  //0xA86D5F069399F44D

    • 0
    • 894
    • 1207
  3. BOOL HAS_ENTITY_CLEAR_LOS_TO_ENTITY ( Entity entity1, Entity entity2, int traceType )  //0xFCDFF7B72D23A1AC

    • 0
    • 826
    • 1207
  4. Hash GET_ENTITY_MODEL ( Entity entity )  //0xDA76A9F39210D365

    • 0
    • 800
    • 1207
  5. void _SET_ENTITY_HEALTH ( Entity entity, int health, Any p2 )  //0xAC2767ED8BDFAB15

    • 0
    • 753
    • 1207
  6. void ATTACH_ENTITY_TO_ENTITY ( Entity entity1, Entity entity2, BOOL useSoftPinning, BOOL collision, BOOL isPed, int vertexIndex, BOOL fixedRot, BOOL p15, BOOL p16, int boneIndex )  //0x6B9BBD38AB0796DF

    • 0
    • 706
    • 1207
  7. void _SET_ENTITY_CLEANUP_BY_ENGINE ( Entity entity, BOOL toggle )  //0x740CB4F3F602C9F4

    • 2
    • 687
    • 1207
  8. int APPLY_FORCE_TO_ENTITY ( Entity entity, int forceFlags, BOOL ignoreUpVec, BOOL isForceRel, BOOL p12, BOOL p13, float x, float y, float z, float offX )  //0xF15E8F5D333F09C4

    • 0
    • 618
    • 1207
  9. Vector3 GET_OFFSET_FROM_ENTITY_IN_WORLD_COORDS ( Entity entity, float offsetX, float offsetY, float offsetZ )  //0x1899F328B0E12848

    • 0
    • 603
    • 1207
  10. Any _GET_ENTITY_PROMPT_NAME_HASH ( Entity entityId )  //0x31FEF6A20F00B963

    • 0
    • 597
    • 1207
  11. BOOL HAS_ENTITY_CLEAR_LOS_TO_ENTITY_IN_FRONT ( Entity entity1, Entity entity2, Any p2 )  //0xE88F19660651D566

    • 0
    • 581
    • 1207
  12. BOOL DOES_ENTITY_EXIST ( Entity entity )  //0xD42BD6EB2E0F1677

    • 0
    • 532
    • 1207
  13. int GET_ENTITY_MAX_HEALTH ( Entity entity, Any p1 )  //0x15D757606D170C3C

    • 0
    • 514
    • 1207
  14. int _GET_ENTITIES_NEAR_POINT ( float x, float y, float z, float radius, ItemSet itemSet, int p5 )  //0x59B57C4B06531E1E

    • 0
    • 508
    • 1207
  15. BOOL IS_ENTITY_AT_COORD ( Entity entity, float xPos, float yPos, float zPos, float xSize, float ySize, float zSize, BOOL p7, BOOL p8, int p9 )  //0x5E58342602E94718

    • 0
    • 494
    • 1207
  16. BOOL PLAY_ENTITY_ANIM ( Entity entity, const char* animName, const char* animDict, float p3, BOOL loop, BOOL stayInAnim, BOOL p6, float delta, Any bitset )  //0xDC6D22FAB76D4874

    • 0
    • 486
    • 1207
  17. void SET_ENTITY_AS_MISSION_ENTITY ( Entity entity, BOOL p1, BOOL p2 )  //0xDC19C288082E586E

    • 0
    • 475
    • 1207
  18. float GET_ENTITY_SUBMERGED_LEVEL ( Entity entity )  //0x4A77C3F73FD9E831

    • 0
    • 474
    • 1207
  19. void GET_ENTITY_MATRIX ( Entity entity, Vector3* rightVector, Vector3* forwardVector, Vector3* upVector, Vector3* position )  //0x3A9B1120AF13FBF2

    • 0
    • 458
    • 1207
  20. void FREEZE_ENTITY_POSITION ( Entity entity, BOOL toggle )  //0x7D9EFB7AD6B19754

    • 0
    • 442
    • 1207
  21. void APPLY_FORCE_TO_ENTITY_CENTER_OF_MASS ( Entity entity, int forceType, float x, float y, float z, BOOL p5, BOOL isDirectionRel, BOOL isForceRel, BOOL p8 )  //0x31DA7CEC5334DB37

    • 0
    • 440
    • 1207
  22. int GET_ENTITY_HEALTH ( Entity entity )  //0x82368787EA73C0F7

    • 0
    • 423
    • 1207
  23. int GET_ENTITY_BONE_INDEX_BY_NAME ( Entity entity, const char* boneName )  //0xBACA8FE9C76C124E

    • 0
    • 422
    • 1207
  24. void CREATE_MODEL_SWAP ( float x, float y, float z, float radius, Hash originalModel, Hash newModel, BOOL p6 )  //0x10B2218320B6F5AC

    • 0
    • 422
    • 1207
  25. int GET_ENTITY_TYPE ( Entity entity )  //0x97F696ACA466B4E0

    • 1
    • 416
    • 1207
  26. Player GET_NEAREST_PLAYER_TO_ENTITY ( Entity entity, Ped playerPedToIgnore, int flags )  //0x990E294FC387FB88

    • 0
    • 410
    • 1207
  27. void SET_ENTITY_ALPHA ( Entity entity, int alphaLevel, BOOL skin )  //0x0DF7692B1D9E7BA7

    • 0
    • 398
    • 1207
  28. Vehicle GET_VEHICLE_INDEX_FROM_ENTITY_INDEX ( Entity entity )  //0xDF1E5AAC561AFC59

    • 0
    • 396
    • 1207
  29. void SET_ENTITY_COORDS ( Entity entity, float xPos, float yPos, float zPos, BOOL xAxis, BOOL yAxis, BOOL zAxis, BOOL clearArea )  //0x06843DA7060A026B

    • 0
    • 393
    • 1207
  30. void ATTACH_ENTITY_TO_ENTITY_PHYSICALLY ( Entity entity1, Entity entity2, float p10, float p11, float p12, float p13, BOOL p14, BOOL p15, BOOL p16, BOOL p17 )  //0xB629A43CA1643481

    • 0
    • 392
    • 1207
  31. void SET_ENTITY_ROTATION ( Entity entity, float pitch, float roll, float yaw, int rotationOrder, BOOL p5 )  //0x9CC8314DFEDE441E

    • 0
    • 391
    • 1207
  32. Hash _GET_ENTITY_CARRY_CONFIG ( Entity entity )  //0x0FD25587BB306C86

    • 0
    • 382
    • 1207
  33. BOOL HAS_ENTITY_COLLIDED_WITH_ANYTHING ( Entity entity )  //0xDF18751EC74F90FF

    • 0
    • 382
    • 1207
  34. Vector3 GET_ENTITY_FORWARD_VECTOR ( Hash entity )  //0x2412D9C05BB09B97

    • 0
    • 382
    • 1207
  35. Vector3 GET_OFFSET_FROM_ENTITY_GIVEN_WORLD_COORDS ( Entity entity, float posX, float posY, float posZ )  //0x497C6B1A2C9AE69C

    • 0
    • 380
    • 1207
  36. Ped GET_PED_INDEX_FROM_ENTITY_INDEX ( Entity entity )  //0x0F16D042BD640EA3

    • 0
    • 374
    • 1207
  37. float GET_ENTITY_HEIGHT_ABOVE_GROUND ( Entity entity )  //0x0D3B5BAEA08F63E9

    • 0
    • 368
    • 1207
  38. BOOL _CHANGE_ENTITY_HEALTH ( Entity entity, float amount, Entity entity2, Hash weaponHash )  //0x835F131E7DC8F97A

    • 0
    • 364
    • 1207
  39. void SET_ENTITY_COORDS_NO_OFFSET ( Entity entity, float xPos, float yPos, float zPos, BOOL xAxis, BOOL yAxis, BOOL zAxis )  //0x239A3351AC1DA385

    • 0
    • 361
    • 1207
  40. Vector3 GET_ENTITY_ROTATION ( Entity entity, int rotationOrder )  //0xE09CAF86C32CB48F

    • 0
    • 360
    • 1207
  41. Vector3 GET_ENTITY_VELOCITY ( Entity entity, int p1 )  //0x4805D2B1D8CF94A9

    • 0
    • 357
    • 1207
  42. int GET_CARRIABLE_ENTITY_STATE ( Entity entity )  //0x61914209C36EFDDB

    • 0
    • 354
    • 1207
  43. void SET_ENTITY_INVINCIBLE ( Entity entity, BOOL toggle )  //0xA5C38736C426FCB8

    • 0
    • 354
    • 1207
  44. void SET_ENTITY_COLLISION ( Entity entity, BOOL toggle, BOOL keepPhysics )  //0xF66F820909453B8C

    • 0
    • 343
    • 1207
  45. Entity _GET_ENTITY_BY_DOORHASH ( Hash doorHash, int p1 )  //0xF7424890E4A094C0

    • 0
    • 342
    • 1207
  46. Entity GET_ENTITY_ATTACHED_TO ( Entity entity )  //0x56D713888A566481

    • 0
    • 338
    • 1207
  47. float GET_ENTITY_HEIGHT ( Entity entity, float X, float Y, float Z, BOOL atTop, BOOL inWorldCoords )  //0x296DEBC84474B375

    • 0
    • 338
    • 1207
  48. BOOL DOES_ENTITY_HAVE_DRAWABLE ( Entity entity )  //0x20487F0DA9AF164A

    • 0
    • 335
    • 1207
  49. Hash _GET_PED_ANIMAL_TYPE ( Ped ped )  //0x964000D355219FC0

    • 0
    • 334
    • 1207
  50. void _0x669655FFB29EF1A9 ( Any p0, Any p1, Any p2, Any p3 )  //0x669655FFB29EF1A9

    • 0
    • 329
    • 1207

Red Dead Redemption 2 Native Database by www.mod-rdr.com, includes contributions by gudmunduro and alloc8or.

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