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233 natives in namespace CAM

  1. void _CAM_CREATE ( const char* cameraDictionary )  //0xB8B207C34285E978

    • 0
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  2. void _CAM_DESTROY ( const char* cameraDictionary )  //0x0A5A4F1979ABB40E

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  3. void _0xFEB8646818294C75 ( Any p0, Any p1 )  //0xFEB8646818294C75

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  4. void _0x29E6655DF3590B0D ( Any p0 )  //0x29E6655DF3590B0D

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  5. void _0xAC77757C05DE9E5A ( const char* cameraDictionary )  //0xAC77757C05DE9E5A

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  6. void _0x8E036B41C37D0E5F ( Any p0 )  //0x8E036B41C37D0E5F

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  7. void _0x1D9F72DD4FD9A9D7 ( Any p0 )  //0x1D9F72DD4FD9A9D7

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  8. void _CAM_CREATE_2 ( const char* cameraDictionary )  //0x7B0279170961A73F

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  9. void _0x728491FB3DFFEF99 ( Any p0 )  //0x728491FB3DFFEF99

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  10. void _0x8505E05FC8822843 ( Any p0 )  //0x8505E05FC8822843

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  11. void RENDER_SCRIPT_CAMS ( BOOL render, BOOL ease, int easeTime, BOOL p3, BOOL p4, int p5 )  //0x33281167E4942E4F

    • 0
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  12. void STOP_RENDERING_SCRIPT_CAMS_USING_CATCH_UP ( BOOL render, float distance, int blendBackSmoothingType, BOOL p3, BOOL p4, BOOL p5 )  //0x8C7C7FF7CF0E5153

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  13. void DESTROY_CAM ( Cam cam, BOOL p1 )  //0x4E67E0B6D7FD5145

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  14. void DESTROY_ALL_CAMS ( BOOL p0 )  //0x163600D6E136C9F8

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  15. void SET_CAM_ACTIVE ( Cam cam, BOOL active )  //0x87295BCA613800C8

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  16. void SET_CAM_PARAMS ( Cam cam, float posX, int p10, int p11, Any p12, Any p13, float posY, float posZ, float rotX, float rotY )  //0xA47BBFFFB83D4D0A

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  17. void SET_CAM_COORD ( Cam cam, float posX, float posY, float posZ )  //0xF9EE7D419EE49DE6

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  18. void SET_CAM_ROT ( Cam cam, float rotX, float rotY, float rotZ, int rotationOrder )  //0x63DFA6810AD78719

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  19. void SET_CAM_FOV ( Cam cam, float fieldOfView )  //0x27666E5988D9D429

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  20. void SET_CAM_NEAR_CLIP ( Cam cam, float nearClip )  //0xA924028272A61364

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  21. void SET_CAM_FAR_CLIP ( Cam cam, float farClip )  //0x5E32817BF6302111

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  22. void SET_CAM_MOTION_BLUR_STRENGTH ( Cam cam, float strength )  //0x45FD891364181F9E

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  23. void _0xFC3F638BE2B6BB02 ()  //0xFC3F638BE2B6BB02

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  24. void _0xE4B7945EF4F1BFB2 ( Cam cam, float* p1 )  //0xE4B7945EF4F1BFB2

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  25. void _0x1FC6C727D30FFDDE ( Any p0 )  //0x1FC6C727D30FFDDE

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  26. void ATTACH_CAM_TO_ENTITY ( Cam cam, Entity entity, float xOffset, float yOffset, float zOffset, BOOL isRelative )  //0xFDC0DF7F6FB0A592

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  27. void ATTACH_CAM_TO_PED_BONE ( Cam cam, Ped ped, int boneIndex, float x, float y, float z, BOOL heading )  //0xDFC1E4A44C0324CA

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  28. void DETACH_CAM ( Cam cam )  //0x05B41DDBEB559556

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  29. void POINT_CAM_AT_COORD ( Cam cam, float x, float y, float z )  //0x948B39341C3A40C2

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  30. void POINT_CAM_AT_ENTITY ( Cam cam, Entity entity, float p2, float p3, float p4, BOOL p5 )  //0xFC2867E6074D3A61

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  31. void STOP_CAM_POINTING ( Cam cam )  //0xCA1B30A3357C71F1

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  32. void _SET_CAM_FOCUS_DISTANCE ( Cam cam, float distance )  //0x11F32BB61B756732

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  33. void _0x9F97E85EC142255E ( Any p0, Any p1 )  //0x9F97E85EC142255E

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  34. void SET_CAM_AFFECTS_AIMING ( Cam cam, BOOL toggle )  //0x3CB9E8BDE5E76F33

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  35. void SET_CAM_CONTROLS_MINI_MAP_HEADING ( Cam cam, BOOL p1 )  //0x1B8F3CE5A6001298

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  36. void _0x42ED56B02E05D109 ( Any p0, BOOL p1 )  //0x42ED56B02E05D109

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  37. void ADD_CAM_SPLINE_NODE ( Cam camera, float x, float y, float z, float xRot, float yRot, float zRot, int length, int p8, int p9 )  //0xF1F57F9D230F9CD1

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  38. void SET_CAM_SPLINE_PHASE ( Cam cam, float p1 )  //0xF1898A68E7C15636

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  39. void SET_CAM_SPLINE_DURATION ( Cam cam, int timeDuration )  //0xFF6311652CA91015

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  40. void SET_CAM_SPLINE_SMOOTHING_STYLE ( Cam cam, int smoothingStyle )  //0x84B3645618E726B0

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  41. void SET_CAM_ACTIVE_WITH_INTERP ( Cam camTo, Cam camFrom, int duration, int easeLocation, int easeRotation )  //0x8B15AE2987C1AC8F

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  42. void STOP_CAM_SHAKING ( Cam cam, BOOL p1 )  //0xB78CC4B4706614B0

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  43. void _0xCF69EA05CD9C33C9 ()  //0xCF69EA05CD9C33C9

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  44. void DO_SCREEN_FADE_IN ( int duration )  //0x6A053CF596F67DF7

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  45. void DO_SCREEN_FADE_OUT ( int duration )  //0x40C719A5E410B9E4

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  46. void _REQUEST_LETTER_BOX_NOW ( BOOL p0, BOOL p1 )  //0x69D65E89FFD72313

    • 1
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  47. void _FORCE_LETTER_BOX_THIS_UPDATE ()  //0xC64ABC0676AF262B

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  48. void SET_WIDESCREEN_BORDERS ( BOOL p0, int p1 )  //0xD7F4D54CF80AFA34

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  49. void _0x8459B3E64257B21D ( float p0 )  //0x8459B3E64257B21D

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  50. void SET_GAMEPLAY_CAM_RELATIVE_HEADING ( float heading, float p1 )  //0x5D1EB123EAC5D071

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Red Dead Redemption 2 Native Database by www.mod-rdr.com, includes contributions by gudmunduro and alloc8or.

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