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8 natives in namespace MONEY

  1. BOOL _MONEY_INCREMENT_CASH_BALANCE ( int amount, Hash p1 )  //0xBC3422DC91667621

    • 0
    • 1,028
    • 1207
  2. BOOL _NETWORK_IS_MONEY_BALANCE_NOT_LESS_THAN ( int cashBalance, int goldBarBalance )  //0xAEC5F0119867E457

    • 0
    • 352
    • 1207
  3. const char* _0xA46FD001D1BE896C ()  //0xA46FD001D1BE896C

    • 0
    • 360
    • 1207
  4. int _NETWORK_GET_CASH_BALANCE ()  //0x8A67120DBC299525

    • 0
    • 330
    • 1207
  5. BOOL _MONEY_DECREMENT_CASH_BALANCE ( int amount )  //0x466BC8769CF26A7A

    • 0
    • 545
    • 1207
  6. const char* _NETWORK_GET_STRING_CASH_BALANCE ()  //0x282D36FF103D78DF

    • 0
    • 310
    • 1207
  7. int _MONEY_GET_CASH_BALANCE ()  //0x0C02DABFA3B98176

    • 0
    • 825
    • 1207
  8. BOOL _0x07AD9E43FD478527 ( Any p0, Any p1 )  //0x07AD9E43FD478527

    • 0
    • 293
    • 1207

Red Dead Redemption 2 Native Database by www.mod-rdr.com, includes contributions by gudmunduro and alloc8or.

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